Monday, July 24, 2017

'Mooners Monday #21: The most terrifying moment on the show

Some Honeymooners moments really creeped me out when I was a little kid watching a rerun at 11:30 on a summer night--that moment when Ralph pulls back the curtain in the Xmas episode and breaks character always startled me, and there are all sorts of weird shots in the Lost Episodes--but no single scene in the show's history was scarier than the one that closes "Please Leave the Premises."

In this episode, Ralph sees a guy to get over the problem he's having with his nerves. Driving a bus is making him an angry wreck. Well, that's what HE says. I suspect he wasn't exactly Barney the Dinosaur before he got his spot at the Gotham Bus Co.

Anyway, he comes home all smiles and shares with Ed and Alice the method he has to deal with stress. The idea is to recite a simple saying each time he feels he is losing it. The characters say this a little differently at various points in the episode, but the gist is:

"Pins and needles, needles and pins. It's a happy man that grins." Then you smile, ask yourself what you were mad about, and, voila, troubles vanish.

Needless to say, things don't work out for Ralph, and I'll get into that in a future post, but for now let's focus on Alice's version. She does the rhyme in anger several times in this episode, and each time, it'''s chilling.

(I'm not sure what to make of Norton there, come to think of it)

That one is bad enough, but the episode's final shot is worse. We get a "good" look at Alice, and Audrey Meadows, a beautiful and classy woman, shows us how she can transform into an emissary of Satan himself:

(Warning: This image may be unsuitable for younger viewers)

Is this The Honeymooners or Mommie Dearest? [SHUDDER]

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