Tuesday, April 3, 2018

In which I make a point many others have already made and others will make again

I just realized the other day that Goodfellas was on Netflix and had been for weeks.

Or did I?

It's already in my queue, and I honestly can't recall if I just added it or if it was on Netflix for years, left, and then returned a few months ago. If something leaves Netflix, it doesn't recall leave your queue. You just can't ever watch it again...until it returns.

I know one thing: I have never watched Goodfellas on Netflix. Why? I have no idea. I think that when HBO used to play it every day right after it hit pay cable, I would watch at least part of if it every day. Now it's sitting here in Netflix gathering dust (and by dust, I mean the kind of "dust" we see in a Scorcese flick, know what I mean) for $#%# (it's a Scorcese flick, but this is a semi-family-friendly website) knows how long...and I am not watching it!

I blame myself. Isn't it weird, though, how what's on TV is somehow more powerful than what is just sitting there on demand, even if you really think it would be cool to sit down and watch it again?

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