Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On the Radio: Sam Sham and the Pharoahs

I was listening to the Solid Gold Oldies Music Choice digital TV channel the other day when a song by Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs came on. OK, some of you might be tempted to say "the" song by that band came on, and, yes, it was "Wooly Bully." But the group did have other hits, you know. It's just that not many of them get played on Solid Gold Oldies.

I was playing with my kids, but I was keeping an eye on the screen for the fun facts that pop up about the artists whose songs are played on the Music Choice channels when I saw a note that Sam the Sham's solo album was released in 1970.

Wait a minute. Sam the Sham had a solo album?

Nothing against the Pharoahs--and maybe I'm displaying a massive ignorance of the dynamics of the band--but were they such a strong force of negativity that Sam the Sham, wanting to try something different, had to get so fed up as to make an actual solo album? Couldn't he have just said, "OK, guys, we're gonna do a few non-novelty tracks this time out, all right?"


Ivan G Shreve Jr said...

At the risk of tooting my horn--TOO LATE!--I once brought the house down at a karaoke bar doing a wicked version of Sam the Sham's Little Red Riding Hood. The crowd carried me off on their shoulders and then bought me a round of drinks and...okay, I am exaggerating a tad. But I did get a hellacious round of applause.

Rick Brooks said...

Sadly, I can't find it anywhere on YouTube.

"Mr. Shreve kindly requests no cameras or recording devices be used during this evening's performance."