Friday, October 10, 2008

This Week in DVD

Three Stooges Collection 4: Can Stooge fans finally accept that this is happening now? That all the shorts are coming to DVD uncut and in chronological order? Well, not quite. Sony is doing a great job of cranking these out, but we still have the Shemp years to get through (and, dare I say, beyond). Hopefully the company really is committed to putting all of it out there, not just the Curly years.

Sleeping Beauty Deluxe You're Gonna Feel Like a Moron If You Keep the Older Version Edition: I don't know, maybe this is just an excuse to get a Blu-Ray version out there, but that commercial about the "extra" picture supposedly seen in this edition confuses me. Wasn't the old DVD widescreen? Apparently this is super-widescreen. Whether that matters or not is for those wiser than I to determine; I'm sticking with my older version even if I risk feeling like a moron.

Touch of Evil 50th Anniversary Edition: Now, this is a treat, combining all approximately four dozen cuts of the Orson Welles classic in one nifty video package.

Al Hitchcock Legacy Editions: Souped-up reissues of pictures like "Rear Window" and "Psycho." Well, it's tough to complain, especially since these appear to be well done, but unlike, say "Touch of Evil," I already own "Rear Window" and the other Hitch films I really want.

A Charlie Brown Christmas We Just Acquired the Distribution Rights So We're Throwing Out Our Own Version Edition: I personally feel every family that celebrates the holiday--if not every family, period--ought to own a copy of this, but this presentation doesn't seem all that special. I've seen people suggest a broadcast-simulation version with original network IDs and commercials. Now, THAT I would buy in a heartbeat.

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Yet another edition of this movie, and this time I hope--wait. This is a classic movie that HASN'T already received a DVD release. Wow, what a rarity. Carry on, then.

The Smurfs Season 1 Volume 2: I only mention this one so I can ask the rhetorical question, why in the HELL does "The Smurfs" require a split-season release?

Feast 2: Whoa, someone let Gulager make another movie? Awesome, but I only wish there was another season of "Project Greenlight" to chronicle it. Matter of fact, I'd rather see just that.


Ivan G Shreve Jr said...

When the announcement was made about the Three Stooges collections, there was a murmur at Sony that some of the solo shorts featuring Stooges (Shemp Howard, Joe De Rita, Joe Besser) might be included on the sets as extras.

But with the speed they're releasing these shorts, I'm not sure this is going to happen. Which is a shame--I'd dearly love to have pristine copies of the Shemps, particularly the riotous Mr. Noisy (1946) and Society Mugs (1946, with Tom Kennedy)--which is actually an improvement on the original Stooges outing Termites of 1938 (1938).

I've ordered Touch of Evil, but all indications would suggest that the idiots currently identifying themselves as "postal workers" at the ol' USPS may have delivered the DVD to the wrong address. A rep from DVD Pacific told me that if I haven't received it by tomorrow that I need to raise holy hell about it.

Of the three Hitch Legacy editions, Thad Komorkowski says only Psycho is worth a damn. The other two DVDs were very disappointing, according to his review at ThadBlog.

Rick Brooks said...

I'd love to see some Shemp solo shorts. I think originally some of that material was supposed to be on the "Shemp Cocktail" DVD that came out earlier, but that release was apparently scaled back.

On the one hand, it's disappointing to see that about the Legacy editions, but since Psycho is my least favorite of the 3, I can't help but feel kind of glad I'm not missing out on too much if I don't "upgrade."

Ivan G Shreve Jr said...

On the one hand, it's disappointing to see that about the Legacy editions, but since Psycho is my least favorite of the 3, I can't help but feel kind of glad I'm not missing out on too much if I don't "upgrade."

Moi aussi. The only one of the "special editions" I absotively, posilutely had to have was Touch of Evil...and it was handed to me without incident in today's mail.

Rick Brooks said...

Score one for the good guys.