Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Awesome 80's Video EXTRA--check this out

I got a cool shout-out on Twitter the other day, and since I am still inept and inactive there, I am acknowledging it here. Plus I want to call your attention to it because I think if you are enjoying the Awesome 80's Video posts, you will love author Marc Tyler Nobleman's ongoing interview project, "The Girl in the Video":

Marc Tyler Nobleman@MarcTNobleman
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@Cultureshark Coming in round 2 of…..."I Can't Hold Back."

In case the link doesn't work there--hey, I'm as inept at cutting and pasting as I am at Twitter--go here to read the set-up for these "original interviews with MTV icons." He has already tracked down some great familiar faces, and it seems we can expect an appearance from  the lovely lady who appears in this video:

I have enjoyed Marc's blog for some time now--I'm not just saying that because he Tweeted me--and unfortunately I lost track when Google Reader evaporated, and so I had missed this. What a fantastic idea! Go to the site now, check this out, and while you're there, look at the other cool stuff he has posted. Best of luck to you on this series, Marc!

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