Monday, May 28, 2018

'Mooners Monday: A great reaction in "Unconventional Behavior"

Happy Memorial Day, everyone! Nothing wrong with a 'Mooners Memorial Day, is there?

In "Unconventional Behavior," the handcuffs stuff is the showpiece of the episode, but it also has some of my favorite Ralph Kramden "takes." Maybe the best Gleason/Ralph bit is when he hears something that doesn't register at first, gives an innocuous response, and walks into the bedroom...only to return seconds later with an outraged "WHAT?!"

This episode has a doozy. Alice tells Ralph, hey, it's nice of you to invite me and Trix to the Raccoon convention this year because I was all set to give you the money to go by yourself.


That middle frame cinches it--the brief but notable moment when Ralph is totally off camera as we build in our minds the anticipation for seeing how he is going to react once it hits him that he offered to take Alice "for nothing." It's brilliant and another example of The Great One's greatness.

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