Wednesday, January 24, 2018

We'll have a...Well, we'll have a time of it, I'll tell you that

I do not remember the incarnation of The Flintstones known as The Flintstone Funnies, but I am pretty sure I was watching it at least some Saturday mornings.

As The Flinstones "franchise" aged, it was like networks felt more obliged to remind everyone that it was funny. "The Flintstones Comedy Hour," "Flintstone Funnies..." What, did kids think it was a documentary?  To paraphrase Bono, "The Flintstone I believe in isn't short on laughs, mister."

What strikes me about this is the change in the lyrics. We will no longer have a GAY old time with the 'Stones. We'll have a GREAT old time.

Hmm...did Anita Bryant force the Flintstones to remove the "gay" reference? Was the possibility for titters and giggles so great in 1982 that--Wait, I was a kid in 1982. Yeah, it's probably for the best that they changed the theme song.

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