Sunday, October 17, 2010

My wife reads "People" so you don't have to: Demi and Ashton

A recent issue promised THE REAL STORY behind the turmoil in the Demi Moore/Ashton Kutcher relationship. That's right, the real story! So for all you plebeians who have been forced to get your info on this vital topic by wading through "The Daily Demi" or "The Kutcher Post and Intelligencer," well, "People" is just the news source for you!

The cover asks, can the 5-year relationship stand the strain? Well, a careful examination of the story inside reveals the answer is...maybe. It depends. And THAT, ladies and gents, is the real story.

Elsewhere on the cover is a prominent blurb about "Jennifer Grey's Big Comeback!" When this issue came to the house, I chuckled at that one and made a wise-ass remark along the lines of, "Didn't she have her big comeback about 10 years ago?" And Mrs. Shark, who sometimes rivals even yours truly for knowledge of celebrity news (after all, she reads "People") reminded me she just had cancer. Oops. Permission to withdraw wise-ass remark, your honor.

The third story blurbed on the cover involves a horrific series of home invasion murders, and there is nothing jokeworthy about that. I guess you could fault me for even mentioning it, but I say instead we fault "People" for the awful juxtaposition of a legitimate tragedy with the dissolution--nay, possible dissolution--of an inane celebrity business partnersh--I mean, romantic relationship. Yeah! So there, "People!"

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