Thursday, January 20, 2011

It ain't rocket science: David E. Kelley's Wonder Woman

Reportedly, no network is interested in David E. Kelley's proposed take on a Wonder Woman TV series. How can they not make this work? I mean, yeah, many of us are over Kelley, and I can't give any exec too much heat for telling him to take a hike if his pitch involves making Diana Prince a lawyer with a bunch of wacky colleagues, but...

I mean, it's not difficult, right? How tough can it be to make this work? I'm not talking a big blockbuster feature film that requires a bunch of families to go see it to make the money back. What I'm saying is, here's how you make a Wonder Woman TV series: 1) Find a hot actress who is willing to wear the costume. 2) Put her in the costume for most of the 42 minutes of program each week. 3) Repeat.

That's enough to get 18-34-year-old men, and isn't that the only audience advertisers care about now?

You know, I'm asking a lot of questions in this post, answers to which I already know the answer, and if there's anything I know from watching David E. Kelley's shows, it's...ah, actually, it's something involving a dwarf, a set of triplets each of whom have Asperger Syndrome, and a courtly elderly black gentleman who hates black people.

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