Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lights Out

Don't you do it again, FX! Don't you put on a show that's all, like, GOOD and stuff, then cancel it...or, uh, not renew it after sticking with it through its original allotted amount of episodes.

Yeah, I'm still dealing with the loss of "Terriers," and it's affecting the way I look at other television programs. Last Tuesday night, FX debuted a new hourlong drama series, "Lights Out." I watched that program and quite enjoyed it. Too many Americans, however, neither watched it nor enjoyed it. I would like to believe that had more people watched it, but maybe the country just isn't in the mood for a boxing-related drama, even if it is a quality one.

But FX shouldn't be in the business of programming for the American people; it should be in the business of programming for ME. And me, well, I liked the pilot episode. Sure, the show is loaded with familiar elements--OK, cliches if you're less kind--but I like those elements when they come together well.

Unfortunately, the numbers for that pilot episode were weak, and now I'm already worried that the series is dead in the water. I can see that heartbreak and letdown lie ahead. Well, plus a batch of quality TV episodes.

I think the plan will be for me to go ahead and watch this show each week, then be disappointed when it isn't renewed. Sounds good, everyone? All right, break!

(Of course, some of you COULD watch it yourselves and--but, no, no, I ask too much of you as it is. Forget I said anything, really. But it is a good show.)

1 comment:

muhammadrazzaq said...

If a sitcom executive produced by Ice Cube can tackle the matter of black homosexuality with relative maturity, then perhaps all is not lost