Friday, May 8, 2009

You Make The Call: Watching "The Spirit"

THE SCENARIO: You are enjoying a quiet weekend night at home watching a DVD with your wife. Somewhere in the middle of "The Spirit," Paz Vega is on the screen as "Plaster of Paris," apparently doing a French accent, but obviously doing a sexy dance in a skimpy outfit.

Your wife says, almost as soon as the scene begins, "Well, THIS is pointless."

What do you do?


A) Stealthily hit the STOP button on the remote and pretend the DVD is messed up
B) Agree with a response like, "Yeah, this is lame."
C) Say the first thing that comes into your head, which is, "Uh, I can think of TWO great reasons why this scene is happening."
D) Sit there and say nothing at all until the whole thing blows over.


We'll be back after the break with what I did.

OK, we're back. The correct answer is D), and that is in fact what I did. Never mind the fact that Paz Vega is a really hot woman doing hot things in that scene. The rest of the world--i.e. the wife--doesn't need to hear about it. Instead of trying subterfuge, just sit there and wait it out.

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