Saturday, March 19, 2011

This Week and Last Week in DVD

Morning Glory: So help me, folks--and this is not something a guy who just admitted having seen parts of "The View" and "The Talk" should concede--I somehow kind of want to see this one. Sure, it looks like it could be a mediocre, limp, cliched romantic comedy. But Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford, no matter how cheesy movies he makes. If the earring didn't kill him, "Extraordinary Measures" surely won't. And if done right, this could be entertaining, right? Well, that's what I'll tell myself when my wife and I sit down to watch it some weekend.

The FightAH: Just got this from Netflix, and by the time we get around to watching it. I'll try to let you know what I think. So, yeah, I'll see you back here in about...oh, probably May or so. I have high hopes, though, as I enjoy boxing movies. Then there's Melissa Leo's endorsement. I think the DVD box has her pull quote on the front: "It's F***** great!

Hereafter: Just pulled from theatrical release in Japan due to unsettling similarities to the real-life catastrophe, and I don't blame Warner Brothers for yanking it. No further comment from me. Hey, I'm no Gilbert Gottfried.

The Next Three Days: Remember when Russell Crowe was a huge movie star? I like seeing the guy, but he's in danger of becoming just another guy. Do you even remember this movie? Oh, sure, it might turn out to be a perfectly acceptable thriller on DVD, but Cuba Gooding Jr. stars in perfectly acceptable thrillers on DVD*. Crowe is supposed to be a movie star!

*Note: This comment is not intended to be an endorsement for any direct-to-video Cuba Gooding Jr. movie. I haven't actually seen any of them.

The Switch: How many bad romantic comedies does it take to get to the bottom of a career? Apparently Jennifer Aniston still has a way to go. Unlike Russell Crowe, she can probably do this same kind of movie whenever she wants...until of course Hollywood cruelly decides she's too old. Hmm, I guess maybe the guys have it better than the gals.

Jackass 3: I don't consider myself a prudish fellow. I enjoy "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "South Park." One of my all-time favorite shows is "Beavis and Butt-head." But I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit through 90 minutes of these guys putting things up their asses and lighting them on fire.

Inside Job: A documentary detailing how we got screwed by Big Business. This one is from 2010, but, really, wouldn't that topic have been valid pretty much every year since the advent of cinema?

Every Day: Yep, Helen Hunt is still making movies. We just don't hear about them, I guess. Not that she's Russell Crowe or Jennifer Aniston or anything. This flick from auteur Richard Levine also stars Leiv Schrieber, Eddie Izzard, and Carla Gugino, and it is about the hectic life of a TV writer. Hey, this doesn't sound terrible.

Mystery Science Theater Volume XX: 4 more episodes from Shout Factory, which is doing an admirable job at cranking these out on a reliable schedule. The fact that they're not appearing as disc rentals at Netflix is tolerable given that they are showing up eventually on streaming.

Green Bay Packers Super Bowl Champions: GRRR! Let's move on...

Walking Dead Season 1: Hey, it's something I actually saw already! I watched this series on AMC and recommend it. They're probably charging too much for 6 episodes, though, whatever they're charging.

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