Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dream Theater

Time to share a real, honest-to-goodness dream I had recently. I was at a restaurant when I saw Adrian Brody across the room. Our eyes met, we shared a moment,, I'm kidding. But in the dream, I did see Brody. I wanted to go over and talk to him not because I was particularly interested in his autograph or his career in general, but because I wanted to ask him when the hell "The Brothers Bloom," his upcoming movie by "Brick" director Rian Johnson, was coming out.

But I hesitated and missed my chance, or so I thought, because I looked back over at his table and he was gone. However, a few moments later, I glanced over towards the bar, and Brody was over there. This time, though, he was making my life easier by getting up and walking right by my table.

So as he approached, I yelled out (not at all like Sly Stallone, I might add), "Adrian!" But the dude totally ignored me, blowing past the table without so much as an acknowledgement.

It was only then I realized my error. It hit me instantly, if too late. Chagrined, I turned to my wife and asked, "That was Matt LeBlanc, wasn't it?" She gave me a confirmation I didn't need, and I woke up.

Adrian Brody and Matt LeBlanc look nothing alike, not even in a dark, crowded restaurant (well, I'm assuming they don't), and when I awoke, I was really ticked off that I confused the two of them, even in a dream.

What does this all mean? Well, I looked this specific scenario up in a dream interpretation book, and it said I'm worried about financial issues and that I have a lingering concern that Brody didn't deserve his Best Actor Oscar for "The Pianist."

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