Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Wire vs. Caroline in the City

Among this week's DVD releases are two notable television box sets: Season 5 of "The Wire" and Season 1 of "Caroline in the City." If I had to buy just one, and only one, which would it be? Well, let me break it down for us.

THE WIRE: Instrumental in maintaining HBO's reputation as purveyors of quality programming.
CAROLINE: Instrumental in watering down the once-potent concept of "Must See TV."

THE WIRE: Spotlights worthy veterans and promising newcomers in a brilliant ensemble cast.
CAROLINE: Conceived as a star vehicle for Lea Thompson.

THE WIRE: Offers hilarious moments despite ostenibly being a drama.
CAROLINE: Offers few laughs despite ostenibly being a comedy.

THE WIRE: Picked up for reruns by BET, which surprised many because of the show's adult themes, profanity, and severe violence.
CAROLINE: Picked up for reruns by Lifetime, which surprised many because, really, who needs to see that show again?

THE WIRE: Season 5 satisfied wrapped up multiple storylines and provided appropriate closure while realistically leaving some things open-ended.
CAROLINE: Season 1 set up dozens of episodes more of "will they or won't they" sexual tension between Caroline and her assistant.

THE WIRE: Season 5 MSRP: 60 bucks for 10 hourlong episodes
CAROLINE: Season 1 MSRP: 45 bucks for 24 half-hour episodes.

Given all this information, my choice is clear. If I had to buy one of these sets, and only one, I would pick...

"Caroline in the City." Hey, those "Wire" sets are expensive, man.


Ivan G Shreve Jr said...

THE WIRE: Season 5 MSRP: 60 bucks for 10 hourlong episodes

Why does HBO charge so much for their friggin' "quality TV" box sets? I would think that if you really want to wean people off of crap like Fear Factor or Dancing With the Stars you'd make the good wine more affordable.

I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but I actually own the entire run of Caroline in the City--got a good deal on some Region 2 sets on the other side of the pond a few years ago. But you really only need Season 1 because it's the funniest; Malcolm Gets' Richard character is hysterical (before they decided to "lighten him up"), particularly in the episodes with Lauren "Gilmore Girls" Graham plays his psychotic girlfriend.

Rick Brooks said...

I have often wondered why HBO charges so much. I guess the glib answer is "Because they can," but I wonder HOW they get away with it. Not only are their releases overpriced, but they rarely go down in price. In the past year or so, I've seen some of their DVDs on sale here and there, but I don't think there were a lot of deals to be had on, say, "The Sopranos" for a long time.

No offense intended when I had a little fun at "Caroline's" expense! In my limited exposure to the show, I, too, liked Richard. I had the impression, which you confirm, that they basically watered him down when they sped up that whole relationship stuff with Caroline.