Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On the Radio: A forgotten gem?

I grow increasingly disappointed each week with the True Oldies Channel's slow change from a heavy concentration on 1950s and 1960s music towards something that features a lot more classic rock staples. Oh, there are still the Dion hits and the Motown faves, but there's a lot more Eagles and Fleetwood Mac and that sort of thing now.

Still, I was excited to be listening to the radio during "drive time," when I'm normally working, and hear a "forgotten gem" segment. What would it be? The feature got a big build-up, complete with an ad/intro from Ronnie Mervis from the Mervis Importers commercials so ubiquitous in the DC area.

Then the jock took the microphone and continued the build, setting up the song with some info. It didn't take me long to realize this song would be neither forgotten nor much of a gem. I have no real problem with The James Gang's "Walk Away," but how can we forget it when radio never stops playing it?

I really should not have been surprised the segment turned out like that, but the fact is, during the morning/early afternoon hours, you DO hear some legitimate radio rarities. I thought I was in for a treat, but this bogus "forgotten gem" segment is another indication of the incredible shrinking playlist of all terrestrial radio,

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