Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Panel Discussion: Aquaman may be Aqua, but he's still a typical man

(Sorry for the poor scan--it's tough to scan these darned Showcase books without destroying the binding.)

Anyone want to volunteer to step up and tell Aquaman how WRONG his comment is?

Anyone? Green Arrow, you're a recent member, so maybe you don't want to rock the boat. Snapper Carr, you're a teen, and you probably don't know better, daddy-o. Martian Manhunter, you're Martian, so you're excused.

Flash? Green Lantern? Anyone?

This panel occurs in "Justice League of America #9." Spoiler Alert: No one tells Aquaman he could have phrased that a little better, or not at all. But in all fairness, at least everyone pitches in to help in the next panel:

1 comment:

Michael Cowgill said...

Is having Flash dust really the best idea?