Monday, April 18, 2011

The shocking final season of "Hazel"

Well, it's shocking to ME to see good ol' domestic engineer extraordinaire Hazel serving someone other than the Baxters. Oh, they call themselves "the Baxters," this 3-piece family Hazel and Harold move in with for the series' fifth and final season, but they are a weak substitute for the real deal, George, AKA Mr. B; and Dorothy, AKA Missy.

As Antenna TV winds up its first complete cycle of the series, I think it's fair to say that fifth season ain't getting any better. I've seen a good batch of these episodes, and while I enjoy them because it's still Hazel and because I've never seen them before, it just isn't the same. I find myself watching Mr. B's brother Steve, his wife Barbara, and their non-entity daughter Susie, and demanding the return of MY Baxters.

Susie is not the problem, as she means very little one way or the other, though in one episode I saw, she was terrorizing the family cat, wrecking Hazel's meals, and generally showing signs of a budding young sociopath. As for the women of the show, well, Lynn Borden as Barbara is gorgeous; Whitney Blake as Dorothy is...Meredith Baxter's mom. Fact is, the show never gave Dorothy much that was interesting to do, so she isn't conspicuous by her absence.

The REAL loss of season 5 is, of course, Mr. B. Nobody does "taken aback" like Don DeFore, and his quiet exasperation at Hazel's antics led to a handful of great sitcom actor "takes" in every single episode. As Steve Baxter, Ray Fulmer has a pleasant enough Dick-Sargentesque presence, but compared to DeFore he is--forgive me--a scrub.

One of the worst things about the "transition" from season 4 to season 5 is that the Baxters (the real ones, that is) leave off camera, and it's left to Hazel to tell the audience, via a convo with her busybody friend Rosie, what happened to force this jarring change. It's kind of funny, actually, because one by one, the two Sunshine Girl cohorts cover just about all the questions the audience has about what's going on. I know because my wife sat down with me to watch this one, and when I told her what was going to happen, she started peppering me with queries. I'm not saying Hazel answers them in a satisfying way, but she does answer them.

George and Dorothy, we learn, went to the Middle East for business. As far as Hazel knows (or is willing to tell Rosie), Mr. B is doing big-shot corporate lawyer stuff, blah blah blah. Personally, I believe he is conducting covert ops for a quasi-governmental "security" organization, which explains why he leaves the States so quickly and ditches his son. Ostensibly, Harold stays behind to "finish his schooling," and I realize American-style schooling may not have been as sophisticated in the 1960s as it is today, but still...COME ON! Harold's not in some kind of fast-track advanced college prep system, and he's not exactly Albert Einstein, besides, so one wonders why the Baxters are so eager to strand him in the USA. Perhaps after years of sharing living quarters with an inquisitive boy and an intrusive maid, George and Dorothy just want a little "us" time. Mr. B, you DOG, you!

For her part, Hazel stays behind because she can't bear to leave little Harold...or the Baxters threatened to auction her to a decrepit emir's harem if she tagged along, take your pick. Now, after hours of research at the Paley Center and the Library of Congress (not really, but that sounds better than "I looked at an online message board), I have discovered that behind the scenes, the Baxters were basically canned for financial reasons, and Shirley Booth soldiered on for this one last year before ending the show due to her own declining health. Even in season 5, we see an attempt to shift attention to some other characters, and we see less of Hazel's superhuman feats of skill, like kicking a football or bashing a gangster over the head with a frying pan.

This all makes more sense than the notion that someone thought it was a good idea creatively to replace DeFore and Blake, or that Booth pulled a power play and replaced them with some nonthreatening, less interesting players. Looks like it was just one of those stupid decisions. CBS did get one more season out of "Hazel," and because of Booth's health, any more would have been unlikely, anyway. That fifth season is easily the weakest, but it's worth a look just for the novelty value.

The unrecognizable Ann Jillian (only recognizable because I saw her in the cast listing) has a regular role, too, as realtor Steve's secretary. George's annoying sister shows up again as a foil for Hazel, too, which points out one of the show's problems at this point: The chemistry between Hazel and Steve just isn't there, which is of course in stark contrast to the Hazel/George relationship which drives previous seasons. There is a half-hearted attempt early on to position Steve Baxter as someone who will go toe to toe with Hazel, or at least try to, but predictably he fails, and Hazel soon becomes "one of the family." This was true with Mr. B, too, and no one ever really thought the two were truly at each other's throats, but at least they went through the motions and enjoyed playing the game. Steve isn't even in the same league.

So without DeFore, without even the way-overexposed Mr. Griffin, season 5 strains to provide that ol' Hazel magic. It's probably best that it's the last season. I would like to see a sixth season in which Mr. B dramatically returns and announces the family must go underground to avoid a congressional subpoena, but that will have to remain a figment of my imagination.


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Anonymous said...

Very nice commentary! You answered many of my questions. The only thing I'm having difficulty with is finding Hazel season 5!! It doesn't seem to be anywhere. Where did you find yours? Thanks for the nice overview.

Rick Brooks said...

Thanks for the comment! I would expect Shout Factory to get around to releasing season 5 of Hazel on DVD sometime later this year, but I watched it on Antenna TV, which shows all the show's seasons as part of its rotation.

Lurch said...

It was sponsored by Ford the first 4 seasons, then after the cast change for season 5 they drove everything. Did see a season 5 episode I liked on 6-10-13. Hazel bought a 1959 plymouth Fury in mint condition for 525.00. Man I wish I had a time machine!

Rick Brooks said...

How about it? I guess the Ford sponsorship explains the opening sequence of them piling in the family automobile. Didn't know that about the change in season 5. I'm about to dive back into season 1 and watch the black and white episodes...

Walter said...

Wow. (Expression of shock). I'm currently watching this show via DVD's from the local library and that's seriously a downer.

While most would not like to have a spoiler like that known before-hand,it actually helps me to know this information.

Before late july,I had never seen an episode of Hazel,it simply was never run here in Phoenix (to my recollection). So now,this evening,I'm into disc 2 of Season 3 and I can already see the cracks of repetition showing in the series.

Whitney Blake isn;t in a few shows,Harold doesn;t seem to be aging at all after 2 years,Mr. Griffin is becoming tiresome,as is the tension betwen Hazel & George's sister.

No Baxters except Harold huh? Oh,well. I'll stil watch all the way to the end but yes,taht a BIG goof on CBS's part back then. I don;t see Shirley Booth doing a "power play".

Besides,given what the world became a short time later and how TV changed between '66 and 1970,"Hazel" would have been finished anyway.

Rick Brooks said...

Thanks, Walter, for the thoughtful comments. In fairness to me, it becomes clear early on what the deal is with season 5, so you would have known right away.

I'd still recommend sticking it out even though you nailed two of the most tiresome characters/elements of the series: Griffin and George's sister.

Season 5 is worth it just for "My Son, the Sheepdog." You make an interesting comment about how the world changed as the series progressed--just wait till you see that episode's hopelessly square take on rock and roll.

Cool that your library stocks the DVDs!

Abbott said...

"My Son the Sheepdog" episode is only a slight exaggeration of how
I was treated in 1966 when I stopped using Brycreem and combed my hair in bangs at age 8. As ridiculous as the episode plays, it's very real to the way my Father
and the school teachers of the day
reacted to things at that time. My
Father called "Drums" which I wanted to play, "Hippie". He would
brush his hair to his forehead with
his hand and say, "Man I'm Cool".
That Does make the season 5 worth wanting just to re-witness this
absurd truth of 1966.
Also, I believe that Hazel's poem
in that episode may be the source
of the band name "Deep Purple".
And looking at their (DP)success shows
just how short-sided the parents were about the lucrativeness of kids starting a band.

Rick Brooks said...

Well, as we now know, season 5 IS confirmed for January 2014, and I'm tempted to buy it just so I can get "My Son, the Sheepdog" and see it again!

Jimmy Combs said...

Your comparsion of Steve Baxter to Dick Sargent's drab take on Darrin Stevens is absolutley bang-on. Steve Baxter immediately comes off as "missing something" that his brother had. At the same time, I enjoyed Barbara Baxter just as much as Dorothy Baxter. They are both attractive blondes and have very friendly personalities. Unlike Harold, Susie Baxter is pointless to the show. In the intro she just stares forward like a zombie and then suddenly smiles as if the director yelled out "Somebody tell that brat to smile." No wonder Harold continued to hold the spotlite in many episodes. Still though, it's Hazel and it wasn't too bad. Even the episodes with the original Baxter's was losing its flair by season 4. Still thought, this is one of my top ten favorite television shows of all time!!!

Jimmy Combs said...

Your comparsion of Steve Baxter to Dick Sargent's drab take on Darrin Stevens is absolutley bang-on. Steve Baxter immediately comes off as "missing something" that his brother had. At the same time, I enjoyed Barbara Baxter just as much as Dorothy Baxter. They are both attractive blondes and have very friendly personalities. Unlike Harold, Susie Baxter is pointless to the show. In the intro she just stares forward like a zombie and then suddenly smiles as if the director yelled out "Somebody tell that brat to smile." No wonder Harold continued to hold the spotlite in many episodes. Still though, it's Hazel and it wasn't too bad. Even the episodes with the original Baxter's was losing its flair by season 4. Still thought, this is one of my top ten favorite television shows of all time!!!

Jimmy Combs said...

Your comparsion of Steve Baxter to Dick Sargent's drab take on Darrin Stevens is absolutley bang-on. Steve Baxter immediately comes off as "missing something" that his brother had. At the same time, I enjoyed Barbara Baxter just as much as Dorothy Baxter. They are both attractive blondes and have very friendly personalities. Unlike Harold, Susie Baxter is pointless to the show. In the intro she just stares forward like a zombie and then suddenly smiles as if the director yelled out "Somebody tell that brat to smile." No wonder Harold continued to hold the spotlite in many episodes. Still though, it's Hazel and it wasn't too bad. Even the episodes with the original Baxter's was losing its flair by season 4. Still thought, this is one of my top ten favorite television shows of all time!!!

Jimmy Combs said...

Whoops, sorry. I thought the comments weren't posting!

carol kroll said...

I,like my predecessors,agree that the show in its final season wasn't nearly as good without Don Defore and Meredith baxter. Once again artistic decisions are based uPon monetary decisions--the old bottom line,which may be good for the stations that run the show but not for the audience. thank you. B

TampaZeke said...

Me TV is airing the fifth season of Hazel now.

cadillac pat said...

always wondered what happend to Mr. and Mrs. B. cheap cbs. 5th year is on ch. 82 on the dishnetwork at 2pm ps time. still love hazel.

@Dragonfly3k1ds said...

You can watch season 5 (and all the seasons) on antenna tv.

Rick Brooks said...

Hazel season 5 endures! I should write a review of the DVD set for ClassicFlix one of these days.

Anonymous said...


Yes, season 5 starts on Friday, February 19th, on Antenna TV!

The last episode of season 4 and the first episode of season 5 will air back-to-back, here in Cleveland, OH.

I agree with you that Don Defore was a great actor in this series.

People now a days dismiss Hazel as being not true to life. Those folks probably don't remember rotary phones, b&w television sets, console record players, or leaded gasoline.

Ahh, nostalgia!

Great post. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great show!

You are correct, season 5 was kinda a stinker!

Most t.v. series progressively get worse. The plots get weaker and the writing uses recycled ideas over time.

Two weeks from today, Lynn Borden passed away a year ago. (3-3-2015). Sad. :o(

Ray Fulmer and his t.v. daughter are the only ones left!

Anonymous said...

The last network broadcast of Hazel was on April 11, 1966. That will be 50 years ago.

It is amazing that the show, regardless of the season, is being shown today. I didn't even know about Hazel until I started watching it on Antenna TV a few years ago. My mom watched this show with my grandmother when she was a little girl.

I agree with the other comment that most shows get worn out over time. MASH is a great example. Once BJ grew his moustache and started to wear converse shoes, red suspenders, and a pink undershirt with an army shirt with the sleeves removed, I lost interest. Anything past season 6 is terrible.

Ray Fulmer isn't as bad as Dick Sargent's character on Bewitched. Ironically, Dick was on Hazel as Mr. Griffin's nephew in season 2.

Regardless, the older shows no matter what season are better than anything on tv today. "For Pete's sake."

Me said...

I'm retired and drive a School Bus and one of my young riders is a cute little girl named Hazel. As she sits up front waiting to get off I've often gotten into conversations with her telling her that I watch a show named after her, Hazel. She finds that weird and funny every time I bring it up. It's a strange name to me and one you don't hear anymore, I mean who would deliberatly name there child Hazel? I recall watching the shows when they first appeared. I try and explain this character to her along with some of the episodes and the strange looks on Hazels face are priceless. There's really no point to my story other than I find a little girl named Hazel in today's world funny.

Me said...

I'm retired and drive a School Bus and one of my young riders is a cute little girl named Hazel. As she sits up front waiting to get off I've often gotten into conversations with her telling her that I watch a show named after her, Hazel. She finds that weird and funny every time I bring it up. It's a strange name to me and one you don't hear anymore, I mean who would deliberatly name there child Hazel? I recall watching the shows when they first appeared. I try and explain this character to her along with some of the episodes and the strange looks on Hazels face are priceless. There's really no point to my story other than I find a little girl named Hazel in today's world funny.

try to cook this said...

Thanks for filling in the blanks for me. I appreciate the research you did. That's what I'm doing now - searching for clues as to why Hazel is with Steve and wife in a string of episodes I recently watched. HAND!

Rick Brooks said...

I love the fact that this post still gets comments! Pardon the plug, but I make a reference to the show and that fifth season in my new ClassicFlix piece at

Unknown said...

Ironically, Season 5 will begin on Wednesday, June 8th at 9:30am on Antenna TV...I can't wait! :)

Anonymous said...

Hazel: SEASON 5 was released on JANUARY 14,2014. It was nearly $30.00 when it was first released. I finally bought a copy from AMAZON on JUNE 28,2014. I had bought Season 1 for CHRISTMAS OF 2013. Then I bought Seasons 2-4 in FEBRUARY in 2014. I only bought it because it was LAST SEASON OF THE SERIES. I dislike unfinished Television Shows. They should have had HAROLD TO HAVE REUNITED WITH HIS PARENTS. THEY SHOULD HAVE FINISHED HAZEL'S CHARACTER. HOW ABOUT MARRYING HER OFF. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT. NANCY GOT MARRIED, BUT TO WHOM? COULD WE ASSUME IT WAS TO EDDY BURKE? AND THE BLAKES JUST DISAPPEARED FROM NEXT DOOR. THEY SHOULD HAVE SENT STAN BLAKE OFF INTO THE SUNSET WITH A WIFE. And I just recently learned that the CHILD ACTOR PAUL ENGLE, WHO PLAYED "DON BLAKE", THE OLDEST OF THE "BLAKE CHILDREN", (Actually the Actress Brenda Scott, who played "Linda Blake" was older than Paul),has past away. I thought it was so neat that ALL OF THE "BLAKE CHILDREN" were still alive. I don't think that there is a TELEVISION SHOW AROUND THAT IS FIFTY OR MORE YEARS OLD THAT HAD MORE THAN ONE CHILD AND AT LEAST ONE OF THEM HASN'T PAST AWAY. Needless to say I was in shock. I think that everyone by now know that BOBBY BUNTROCK HAS BEEN GONE FOR OVER FORTY TWO YEARS. THAT HOLDS ITS OWN TRAGEDY. I didn't learn about that until 2011, when I was looking up the Actors on "HAZEL". I knew about SHIRLEY, DON, AND WHITNEY, BUT NOT BOBBY. It's to bad that there couldn't have been a "HAZEL REUNION MOVIE", LIKE THE "ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW" AND "GREEN ACRES" DID. It would have been great to have seen what everybody looked like twenty-to-twenty-five years later. I don't think that the audience would have accepted a different ACTRESS playing "HAZEL". Remember, they tried that on those "GILLILAND ISLAND MOVIES" and everyone wanted TINA LOUISE?! Well, WHITNEY BLAKE didn'T like her character anyway, but hopefully that wouldn'T have stopped her from doing a REUNION MOVIE. EVE PLUMB DIDN'T LIKE DOING THE "BRADY BUNCH", BUT IT DIDN'T PREVENT HER FROM DOING "REUNION SHOWS".

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is if a show is in jeopardy and THE NETWORK KNOWS IT, THEN WHY NOT "FINISH THE SHOW"?! FINISH UP THE CHARACTERS AND THE LOOSE STORYLINES. WHY leave them open and unfinished. I refuse to believe that they could not have finished "HAZEL". The writers are paid to write. WHY didn't they? Okay, let's fast gorward. I know that this is "2016" and three of my favorite shows ended that year: "HAZEL", "PERRY MASON", AND "THE ADVENTURES OF OZZIE & HARRIET". With that said, it doesn'T explain how come they didn'T try to bring back the "MAIN PARENTS". To me it looks as if they simply left "HAZEL AND "HAROLD" indefinitely with "GEORGE'S BROTHER "STEVE" AND HIS WIFE, "BARBARA". I think the audience could have accepted the "GONE TO ARABIA" bit, if they had of returned the parents, which they didn't. Even in real life people take trips and ask relatives to take care of various family members, but to just leave them seems like "abandonment". I bet they could have afforded to have brought back DON AND WHITNEY for a handful of episodes. Maybe they didn't think that anybody would still be viewing this show so far into the future. I was so young when this show came out. And I'm still young. I'm certainly not older than any of the ACTORS WHO WERE IN THE MAIN CAST, unless the "babies" are considered. But we are the audience of all of those wonderful old shows. We're the ones who remember them and are introducing them to our families. I would dislike a novel that ended this way, unless a sequel was in the works.

Anonymous said...

This comment is really to correct something that "CAROL KROLL" said. She said that the final season was not the same without "DON DEFORE" AND "MEREDITH BAXTER". YOU HAVE THE WRONG ACTRESS. "MEREDITH BAXTER" IS THE REAL LIFE DAUGHTER OF ACTRESS "WHITNEY BLAKE" WHO WAS THE ACTUAL ACTRESS ON "HAZEL". SHE IS THE ACTRESS WHO PLAYED "DOROTHY BAXTER". I'm really surprised that no one has noticed your goof but me. That was more than a TYPO.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've checked to see which Actors are still around. As most fans know, the entire "BAXTER FAMILY" is gone. So are most of the "RELATIVES". I was watching the Episode: "EVERYBODY'S THANKFUL BUT US TURKEYS" recently. In an early scene when everyone is standing at the door it hit me that I was looking at a scene with all deceased people in it. They passed away in this order: "Harold", BOBBY BUNTROCK, "Hazel", SHIRLEY BOOTH, "Tom", WILLIAM BAKEWELL, "George", DON DEFORE, "Dorothy", WHITNEY BLAKE, "Aunt Phyllis", BEVERLY TYLER (HER BIRTHDAY WOULD HAVE BEEN ON JULY 5, AND SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN 89 YEARS OLD), and "Uncle Bob", CHARLES COOPER. Other "RELATIVES" who are still around are: "George's Niece" - "Nancy Thompson", DAVEY DAVISON, his "Brother" - "Steve Baxter", RAY FULMER and "Niece" - "Suzie Baxter", JULIE BENJAMIN "Steve's Daughter", and their "Cousin" - "Charlene", DIANA LADD. "Hazel's Nephews: "LeRoy Burke", WRIGHT KING, and "Eddy Burke", JOHNNY WASHBROOK. The "BLAKE Family", though they weren't related to "The Baxter's", lived next door. "Stan Blake", JOHN NEWTON, "Linda Blake", BRENDA SCOTT, "Stevie Blake", KIM TYLER, and "Mavis Blake", JUDY ERWIN WHITNEY, are all still alive. Only "Don Blake", PAUL ENGLE, HAS PASSED AWAY, ABOUT EIGHT MONTHS AGO. When I look at "HAZEL" it doesn't seem that that show went OUT of PRODUCTION FIFTY YEARS AGO. HERE'S TO A GREAT SHOW! MAY IT LAST ANOTHER FIFTY YEARS!

Goliath_62 said...

Thanks for the blog Mr. Brooks. I found Hazel by chance one day while flipping through the channels. I started watching it and enjoying most of it except the last season when Mr. B was not Don DeFore he had been replaced as was his wife. I didn't see the episode where Hazel explained what happened to Mr. Baxter so I just tried to figure out why Mr. B and Missy were replaced by these pod people and had left their son behind. Well, now I know. I'm glad to see they are starting the series over again at season one. Me thinks I'll have to watch again cuz Hazel is one of the "nicest and prettier ladies I know." ;-)

Rick Brooks said...

Lot of spirited discussion here! For me, Hazel just ain't the same without Don DeFore to play off her, but those fifth-season episodes are still interesting. It's funny because, not having been around at the time, my first impulse is to assume everyone involved with the show thought, "Ah, people won't care as long as Hazel is there," when comments on this very post prove that, yeah, at the time, it really did throw the viewers!

Anonymous said...

I want to comment on "ARE There Any Shows Left That Are More Than Fifty Years Old With More Than One Child, That Doesn't Have At Least One Of The Children Gone. Well, I've come across one: "FATHER KNOWS BEST". AS of this writing, on this date, all of the "Anderson Children" are still alive. ELINOR Donahue, Billy Gray and Lauren Chapin. That show ended in 1960. Which was Fifty-Six Years Ago. I came across an Interview on Youtube, which appeared on "Good Morning America" in 1984. All of the main cast members were still around then. "Father Knows Best" is one of my "Old Favorite Shows" too, which I've started collecting, since last Christmas. I've bought the first three seasons. I don't think I ever saw "Father Knows Best" until around 1989-1990, thanks to Cable TV. I think it's wonderful that all of those "Old Shows" that we watched and loved so much, can be bought on disc's, contributing to forums like these, where the fans can discuss them. Most of those shows have been released in their entirety. I'm still hoping that "The Adventures Of Ozzie And Harriet" will eventually go to "seasons", instead of "volumes" and "Best Of" type releases.

Rick Brooks said...

You may be aware that the Nelsons apparently didn't properly copyright the series, making video releases problematic, but heir Sam Nelson announced years ago he was trying to restore and put the series out on DVD. Scuttlebutt is that he turned down offers from experienced companies to maintain control over the project. Unfortunately, the result is a grand total of zero releases from him to this point.

I didn't see much of Father Knows Best until it hit DVD and Antenna TV. I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was.

Unknown said...

Buy them at! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if all of the Seasons of "HAZEL" can be bought at WAL*MART or not. At least I haven't seen them. But then to be honest, I bought all of my Seasons from AMAZON. I only began them buying them when I saw on AMAZON that Season Five, the FINAL SEASON, was becoming available in January . I was a little tired of buying shows that weren't being sold in their entirety. Fortunately most of the shows that I've chosen to purchase have been completely released. If SHOUT FACTORY get their hands on the rights to a show, the fans can almost guarantee that they will release the remaining Seasons.

I checked with AMAZON. For some reason Season One Of "HAZEL" is only available with Sellers. I wonder if it has something to do with "SONY". I hope that every HAZEL FAN can get a copy before it becomes almost impossible to get a copy, opening the field up for every greedy person on the map. Just imagine, there are Sellers who would ask for $2,000 FOR Season ONE, just because they know that it is hard to find on the open market, if it is still Factory Sealed.

You probably don't have time to do this, however you can look around in other places that sell DVD'S. I understand that F•Y•E is still around. Some other places I can think of are Supermarkets, Drug Stores and Discount Type Stores, such as "BIG LOTS". Some Supermarkets used to have, and some probably still have "ELECTRONIC DEPARTMENTS". These sort of places often have good used rentals for sale. But then often they have plenty of unused still FACTORY SEALED SELECTIONS TOO, very inexpensively. During THE CHRISTMAS SEASON OF 2009 I was so broke. I had about $5.00 to spend. There was a "BIG LOTS" in my Neighborhood. Some of my family members and I went over there to shop, and I FOUND THE "INFAMOUS FIFTH SEASON" OF "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD", STILL FACTORY SEALED, FOR $3.00. I enjoyed every minute of it, too, on CHRISTMAS DAY. I don't think that I'll ever forget that. It was a very "HUMBLING EXPERIENCE".

Anonymous said...

OOPS!I LEFT OUT A DETAIL WHEN I WROTE IN THE LAST COMMENT POSTED ABOUT "HAZEL". I SHOULD HAVE SAID: "I ONLY BEGAN BUYING THEM WHEN I SAW ON "AMAZON" THAT SEASON FIVE, THE FINAL SEASON, WAS BECOMING AVAILABLE ON JANUARY 14, 2014". And as an added Post Comment, it seems to me that Seasons TWO and Three were available before "2012". Sometimes a Series would be available for awhile. Then it would disappear. Then it would reappear, but with a different "Release Date". This happened with "GIDGET", THE TV SERIES. IT DISAPPEARED. THEN IT REAPPEARED, WITH A DIFFERENT RELEASE DATE, BUT WITHOUT THE COMMENTARY THAT WAS ON THE FIRST RELEASE. OF COURSE THE FIRST RELEASE WAS A LOT MORE MONEY, TOO.

Anonymous said...

OOPS!I LEFT OUT A DETAIL WHEN I WROTE IN THE LAST COMMENT POSTED ABOUT "HAZEL". I SHOULD HAVE SAID: "I ONLY BEGAN BUYING THEM WHEN I SAW ON "AMAZON" THAT SEASON FIVE, THE FINAL SEASON, WAS BECOMING AVAILABLE ON JANUARY 14, 2014". And as an added Post Comment, it seems to me that Seasons TWO and Three were available before "2012". Sometimes a Series would be available for awhile. Then it would disappear. Then it would reappear, but with a different "Release Date". This happened with "GIDGET", THE TV SERIES. IT DISAPPEARED. THEN IT REAPPEARED, WITH A DIFFERENT RELEASE DATE, BUT WITHOUT THE COMMENTARY THAT WAS ON THE FIRST RELEASE. OF COURSE THE FIRST RELEASE WAS A LOT MORE MONEY, TOO.

Rick Brooks said...

Sony has licensed many of its shows to Mill Creek, which stripped the original releases of the special features, reduced the number of discs, and re-released them in budget versions. I don't expect to see a "Complete Series" release of Hazel from Mill Creek, but I suppose it could happen!

Was that Dukes of Hazzard find tied into the controversy with Warner Brothers and Big Lots? Apparently a slew of TV/DVD sets that were supposed to be destroyed found their way to some liquidator, who sold them to Big Lots, who sold them at cut-rate prices and outraged Warner Brothers. I wasn't lucky enough to get any of those super-cheap sets!

Doozy Fan said...

Hazel Season 5 will start airing on Antenna TV, Friday, September 23rd.

Yes, I will be watching! Despite missing George and Dorothy, the show is titled; "Hazel," not the "Baxter's."

Although the season 5 episodes lack the quality of the prior seasons, it is a time capsule in beautiful color! The cars, the sets, and the clothing.

Someone mentioned nostalgia. That's it in a nutshell. Regardless of its realism or lack thereof.

Unknown said...

I concur completely regarding fathers knows best I never saw the show being too young when it first aired but my goodness this show Father Knows Best is probably one of the best shows I have ever seen in my life and really has much bearing on the conditions of the teenagers and young children and the parents child conflict we deal with every day to this day this show was superb

Unknown said...

I concur completely regarding fathers knows best I never saw the show being too young when it first aired but my goodness this show Father Knows Best is probably one of the best shows I have ever seen in my life and really has much bearing on the conditions of the teenagers and young children and the parents child conflict we deal with every day to this day this show was superb

Earline said...

I'm responding to an earlier comment about the retired person who drives a School Bus and was telling a young student about the show, and the character, with the same name "HAZEL". Though the student didn't seem to have ever heard of the show I don't think that the name "HAZEL" is so odd. If a person like something, fine. If they don't, that's fine too. At least though with the name "HAZEL" it's easy and simple to pronounce and spell. It may be an Old Fashioned name, but there are some really, what I consider to be "Ugly Names" that I won't rattle off because I'm not on here to offend anybody. But I will rattle off Three Old Fashioned names that I do like: "CLAIRE", "ESTHER",and "GRACE". With this said, I wonder did the Young Girl "HAZEL" see the show: "HAZEL". Or did she ask any of her older relatives about the show? I've read that the SINGER "WHITNEY HOUSTON" WAS NAMED AFTER ACTRESS "WHITNEY BLAKE". By the way, I still have not found out how ACTRESS "WHITNEY BLAKE" came up with her "PROFESSIONAL NAME". Perhaps her husband at that time picked it. He was her agent.

Rick Brooks said...

It seems like Grace has made a comeback, as anecdotally I come across a good deal of Graces. Now, Esther is one I have not seen lately!

judy said...

I always refer to Season 5 as "Real Estate 101." A real snoozefest in terms of storylines, characters and dialogue. It's like one of the writers took a night class in Real Estate and dumped their notebook. However it is nice to see the lovely Lynn Borden, whom we lost last year. I also agree with a previous poster that it is a nice "time capsule" of the mid-1960s, when revolution was just around the corner. Although where I grew up, the 1960s lasted well into the mid-1970s. :)
And Hazel seems to be making a comeback in terms of little girls' names. There was a character in the last seasons of 30 Rock named "Hazel" which might account for that one.

Earline said...

I think to cut down on the repetition of some storylines being repeated over and over, the writers probably could have worked on unfinished storylines and characters. I know that someone on this forum has already mentioned this but that person did not mention anything about repetition. Perhaps back then writers thought that if a show was successful it could go on forever. Well, "forever" in television land often means as long as the ratings are high, the main actor/actress doesn't decide to quit the show, or the show doesn't get bumped in favor of another show. Television was still very young when "HAZEL" hit the airwaves. Many actors at that time came from the theater and stage. And Actress Shirley Booth was one of them. She enjoyed her character "HAZEL". She had enough sense to realize a good role when it came her way. But I think that not finishing the show was not in her favor. If she owned the show as I keep reading in various places that she did, then she may have had some say on how she would want the show to end. I've read that she personally handpicked Lynn Borden to replace Whitney on the show. I wonder who picked Ray to replace Don?

I understand too, that the show could have continued for another season or two, but it was Shirley who decided not to do the show anymore. I read that she was exhausted and experiencing some other health issues which spurred on her decision to call it quits. I'm sure that that made Ray Fulmer happy, since he wasn't happy with the show anyway. Well, it may have made him happy but it didn't make "HAZEL'S AUDIENCE" very happy. Since we're not privy to what went on behind the scenes, we'll probably never know one way or another what really happened. There are books that has been written about SHIRLEY BOOTH. And DON DEFORE wrote a book too. I would sure like to get my hands on a copy of that one. Unfortunately WHITNEY did not write her memoirs. The closest we are probably ever going to get to reading about her life is from what has already been written, including what her daughter MEREDITH wrote in her own book, about her.

In my own quest to learn more about WHITNEY, I bought MEREDITH'S BOOK. I'm still reading it. I haven't found any interviews or articles about her other than that she was in more television shows after "HAZEL". And that she and her Husband, Allan Manings, created the hit Television Show: "ONE DAY AT A TIME". She also produced a movie titled: "RENO KIDS". After that she disappeared. She Co-Owned a Bookstore in Minnesota with one of her sons for awhile until it closed. She had also moved to Edgartown, Massachusetts, though I believe that I read that she still maintained a home in Malibu. Funny, Shirley had also left Hollywood and moved to Chatham, Massachusetts. So did "Johnny Washbrook", "Eddie Burke", "HAZEL" NEPHEW. He moved to Edgartown, too, after he retired from show business. His Birthday will be on October 14th. He will be Seventy-Two Years Old. I saw him on one of those shows where they round up Western Stars of Television Shows like "FURY" and "MY FRIEND FLICKA" and discuss the show that they were on. Johnny was discussing "MY FRIEND FLICKA". Imagine my surprise when he didn't have "Red Hair". I honestly thought he did. Shirley wore "Red Wigs". When "HAZEL" went to color and Johnny appeared in "LICENCE TO WED" AND "HAZEL, AND THE LOVEBIRDS", I thought "wow, they found a young actor to play "Eddie Burke", who had "Red Hair". No it was tinted for that role. What a bummer.

Earline said...

From what I've been able to find out, Shirley Booth was not as successful after "HAZEL" as she was before. And I think that she may have used "exhaustion" as a ruse to not continue with "HAZEL". She went back to work soon after "HAZEL" ended. If she was truly "exhausted" and was experiencing some health issues, how come she returned to work so soon? Unless it may have been because "HAZEL" wasn't as lucrative as she thought it would be?! And I didn't come across anymore mention of any further such issues until she was reported to have had a stroke in the 1980's. I know that her last TELEVISION ROLE was the VOICE OF "MRS. CLAUS" on "THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUS".

I think if she hadn't of had a stroke she may have appeared on other Television Shows, like "GOLDEN GIRLS" or "MURDER, SHE WROTE". I think that she would have done well as someone's recurring Mother, Aunt, Grandmother, Cousin or Friend. Except, hopefully she would have had a different profession, like a School Teacher, Nurse, Real Estate Agent or some other sort of Business Profession. Of course she would be stylishly dressed for her role. If she wore wigs I would hope that they would have worn styles that were more attractive than those ugly styles that she wore when
"HAZEL" was in its first two or three seasons. And a Husband would have been better than a bunch of fellas whom she dated. The imagination is a wonderful thing, though none of what I've written could happen. Not even if the show could be rebooted.

Earline said...

To Rick Brooks on your September 15, 2016 Post: I don't know if my purchase of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" was part of the DVD'S that "WARNER BRO'S" intended to destroy. I wasn't aware that "WARNER BRO'S" had intended to do such a thing. I wonder why wouldn't they simply sell them until they were all gone. It makes little or no sense to me. After all, they stood to profit.

I did have the First Season Of "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD". I bought it used, without its sleeve. Then I later pawned it, which wasn't a good idea. Now there seems to be a hit or miss on its availability. And some of the extras may not be on there. Maybe I should go back over to "BIG LOTS" and see whatelse they have. I'm interested in buying another Season One of "HAZEL".

Now, about "OZZIE AND HARRIET": I too read about two years ago that "SAM NELSON" was trying to have "THE ADVENTURES OF OZZIE & HARRIET" issued by Seasons, instead of the "VOLUMES" and "BEST OF" type offerings we'be been getting. Maybe if Sam had worked out some sort of deal with the companies who specialize in releasing shows by the season, we may have some of the seasons in our possession now. I didn't know that "THE NELSON FAMILY" did not own the copyrights. But it doesn't explain how come whoever does have the rights doesn't simply release them. So if I'm understanding you right, it is because "Sam" wants to maintain control of the project of releasing the episodes by the season, which is holding up the whole project?! Maybe there would be a legal issue involved, costing Millions of Dollars. But I always thought that whoever had the rights to something also have the right to do what they want with it, within legal and moral means, of course.

Rick Brooks said...

Lots of stuff here! Thanks as always, everyone, for the comments! Before I respond to some of Earline's thoughts, let me praise Judy for this line above:

It's like one of the writers took a night class in Real Estate and dumped their notebook.

That's hilarious!

Rick Brooks said...

In reverse order, Earline: I think Warners was upset because the Big Lots sale devalued its TV-on-DVD sets, and if you think about it, that's true: It's tough to get people to pay 25 bucks for a set once they know someone had it for 5 bucks. Me, I didn't care about Warners interests. I was just disappointed I didn't get any of those clearance deals!

With Ozzie and Harriet, there are huge costs with transfers and DVD production, and maybe music rights, which makes any "official" release a big undertaking for one guy. There are many episodes thought to be public domain, which is why you see things like the Mill Creek sets, and Shout! released a few sets that were endorsed by, I think, David Nelson, but Sam Nelson announced his intent to release restored complete seasons.

I could be wrong, but I think in theory anyone could take old film prints and release episodes themselves, but the publib domain status, or perceived status, of the series makes the larger companies wary of spending any money on it because there are already a bunch of cheap releases and also someone else could take those shows and release them under their own banner. That said, yes, apparently Sam Nelson had an offer or two from a major company but decided to turn it down, perhaps not realizing how hard it would be to put something together.

Rick Brooks said...

Thanks, also, for your comments on the end of the Hazel series and the lives of its cast. I would love to read a Don Defore memoir as well. The magazine Films of the Golden Age ran an article on him a few years ago, but IIRC it was mostly a summary of his career, and even then I think it focused more on Ozzie and Harriet than on Hazel.

I grew up watching him in Hazel, so it's always a nice treat to me to see him in something like Too Late for Tears or Southside 1-1000.

Earline said...

What I find really fascinating is that no one bothered to interview the "HAZEL CAST MEMBERS" anytime during their lifetime to discuss their characters on the show. Though I do know of an interview that Whitney Blake did on Tom Snyder's radio program, I have yet to hear it. I thought that it may be on "Youtube", but not to the best of my knowledge. Maybe back then no one thought that anyone would be interested in the "WHY", "WHAT", or "HOW COMES" of some of those ACTORS'S CAREERS. That the audience was only interested in what was presently going on. Well, Fans sure are curious and asking questions now. There isn't hardly an old show around that doesn't have a following.

On "HAZEL" the infamous Season 5, is somewhat of a heart breaker for many "HAZEL FANS". Not only did they remove the main couple: "George and Dorothy" and replace them with a younger unheard of couple: "Steve and Barbara", but "Steve" also had a silly Receptionist. "Steve" was running a business. The Receptionist should have been a little bit more professional. Since "George" was to be out of the Country for a little while, "Steve" could have used his Secretary, "Miss Scott", the same way "Steve" got "HAZEL". I think "Millie" would have been better as a Relative of "Barbara's", who showed up here and there for various reasons. If she was on there for comedy relief, it could have still been written in. And "HAZEL" and "HAROLD" seemed to have been abandoned or left to stay with the "Younger Baxter's".

And just like "George" whose Partner was "Harry Noll", who was always in some sort of messy situation, with George coming to the rescue, "Steve" also had a rather unscrupulous Partner, who did things for his own gain. Not to mention the time when he teased "HAZEL" about her weight, causing her to go on a weight reduction program, which she didn't have the money for. Of course "HAZEL" turned the table on him.

What was rather funny throughout the first four seasons was the way that "HAZEL" watched "George's" weight. It was rather silly because all "George" had to do was eat a little something extra while he was out. Then, of course, someone would see him, then spill it to "HAZEL", and the battle would be on just as soon as he tried to get dessert. I could just hear her now: "Oh no Mr. "B"! "Rosie" said she saw you down at the Ice Cream Parlor having three scoops of Chocolate Ice Cream with all the trimmings". Or "Mr "B"., you already had your dessert. "Barney" told me that he saw you over at the Diner, and he heard you ordering Coffee and Lemon Meringue Pie, when he was delivering the mail there". I guess too, it was so silly because "HAZEL" was no skinny gal herself. I think I'm going to go and watch a few episodes of "HAZEL". Maybe Season 5.

Earlinefan said...

.....back to season 1 on Antenna TV today!

Rick Brooks said...

Funny timing! Check the blog tomorrow for an announcement: I'll be going through season 1 and posting about the episodes here! I hope everyone who has contributed comments will keep the discussion going!

Earline said...

This question is to Rick, though anyone can answer it: Who was the Girl Actress on the first Episode of Season One of "HAZEL": "Hazel and the Playground" who said that she was "to old to play Hop Scotch". I haven't been able to find out who she is. I know that sometimes Actors used to not get credit for their role. A scene would be full of Actors but only the "Main Characters" would be mentioned. In one episode on "HAZEL" Child Actress "Judy Erwin" appeared in either season three or four as a child who tried to purchase Lemonade. She didn't get it after putting in her money. "HAZEL" then came to her rescue. She then disappeared after that scene. Not only was she not listed on the credits, but that was the last time she appeared on the show. Judy played the youngest daughter of "STAN BLAKE", "MAVIS BLAKE", who were neighbors of "The Baxters".

A lot of Adult Actors and Child Actors went uncredited on"HAZEL". Unfortunately without knowing who some of them were, there probably isn't a way to look them up. I wonder if that was something that Actors did back then to get exposure or work. This sort of thing was rampant on "Ozzie & Harriet" too. Today is Johnny Washbrook's Birthday. He played "HAZEL'S" Red Haired Nephew, "Eddie Burke". For everyone who is watching Season One today, he first appears on Episode 8: "GEORGE'NIECE".

Earline said...

Oops! I'm sorry about the Birthday Date Goof. JOHNNY WASHBROOK'S BIRTHDAY IS ON OCTOBER 16TH. This is what happened when I don't check for typos and I haven't had my Breakfast.

Liz said...

I loved Hazel as a kid & have several seasons on DVD. Currently watching Season 5 on Antenna TV. Although it's not as good as the first 4 seasons with the original cast, I'm still really enjoying it! Watching these old shows are so nostalgic. Shirley Booth was an exceptional actress & no one else could ever replace her as Hazel. Thank goodness for channels like Antenna TV which airs all of these great old shows!

Anonymous said...

I left a comment last week and it disappeared, just like the original "Baxters". I'll try again. Two years ago I came across, but sadly, did not buy a book, at a flea market, that was a compilation of the Ted Key "one-frame" Hazel cartoons from the Saturday Evening Post. I was amazed that, as drawn, the character actually physically resembled actress Maudie Prickett, not Shirley Booth. Makes me wonder if Miss Prickett actually auditioned for the role, but was passed over for the "star power" of Miss Booth. In any event, they kept her around, didn't they? Does anyone know anything more about this. I would appreciate knowing more. Thank you.

Retro TV Fan said...

Thank God that Season 5 will end on Monday, Jan. 30th! Not the same for sure.

Antenna TV hopefully will continue the Hazel series in 2017.

The times for Hazel started at 9:00 am EST, but were shown later at 10:00 am, and currently at 12:00 noon. I hope that Hazel stays in the rotation for Pete's sake!

Anonymous said...

Hi! "Anonymous" again, from upstate NY. Apparently no one has anything on Maudie Pricket and her potential audition for Hazel, back in 1961. At least not in the last 17 days. I was wondering what anyone would think of this idea. When Hazel went off in 1966, Batman and The Green Hornet went on. If someone had done a live action show of comic strip detective Dick Tracy, does anyone think Ray Fulmer would have been good in the role? With his square jaw, slit eyes, and penchant for dark suits, he certainly would have looked the part. Any comments?

Rick Brooks said...

That's a pretty good idea, Fulmer as Dick Tracy. A live-action Dick Tracy in the 1960s would have been pretty interesting, but I guess Batman came and went and took the colorful villains gimmick before anyone could get to ol' Tracy.

I'm also intrigued by your Maude Prickett speculation...and also by the fact you stumbled upon that book! Sadly, I have no info on any of this, but I thank you for throwing it out there!

As always, thanks for reading, everyone, and I hope to get back to "Hazel: The Early Years" sometime next week!

Unknown said...

Or people having live-in maids wearing uniforms

Terry Beatty said...

Unsold 1967 DICK TRACY pilot.

Terry Beatty said...

There was a 1950's series as well.

Rick Brooks said...

Thanks for the links!

RetroTVFan said...

Thank God, back to Season 1 on Antenna TV!

Anonymous said...

Rick, I was reading one of your comments about Millcreek possibly putting out a Complete Set of "Hazel". Since "Shout Factory" has the Rights to Seasons 2-5, how might that work? Unless they acquire the Rights to Season 1 too. I think it's odd that SHOUT FACTORY doesn't have all of the Rights. If they did, Season 1 would be available to buy, instead of having to buy hope to get a decent priced set from the "Marketplace". Some Sellers are asking for some of the most insane prices. Hopefully "Shout Factory" can acquire them soon and put us fans out of our miseries. Either that or "Sony" re-release Season 1 again.

Anonymous said...

I wonder, does anybody know what happened to RAY FULMER? After he did some "Hosting" for "TONY ROBBINS" in the 1990's, he disappeared. Perhaps he went back to the "STAGE". He may be retired. Maybe he went into the PRIVATE SECTOR and became a "BUSINESSMAN". Whatever he's being doing since the 1990's, he's been out of sight for a good TWENTY YEARS. Most of us will only remember him as "STEVE BAXTER", the "YOUNGER BROTHER" OF "GEORGE BAXTER", who replaced "GEORGE" in a poor attempt to draw in a younger audience. DUMB! DUMB! SUPER DUMB! Just because someone owns the "Rights" to something doesn't mean that that person have good BUSINESS SENSE. SHIRLEY SURE DIDN'T! If it's true that DON and Whitney were cut because of cost, how do they know that they wouldn't have worked for less money?! I've heard of Actors taking less money to keep working, eating, and living indoors. I don't think that either DON or WHITNEY were hurting for money. And besides, it would have been a perfect way to end the show. IT ENDED ANYWAY! And they wouldn't have had to come up with that STUPID BUSINESS TRIP TO SAUDI ARABIA STORY. That Storyline is one of the Dumbest Storylines I have ever come across to explain the disappearance of characters. It wasn't thought out. And the last episode was so dumb. No wonder people keep asking over and over what happened to "DON DEFORE" AND "WHITNEY BLAKE"?! It's to bad that we, the Fans, didn't get to ask them, while they were still alive. And there is no point in asking "RON DEFORE". He may manage a FAN CLUB for his father, but he could care less about his Father's Fans. He doesn't answer questions and he act ignorant to questions that he could easily answer, like: how can a fan get photos of scenes from the show. Even if he don't know the answer he sure know who would. I DON'T FIND HIM TO BE VERY NICE! WHAT A JERK!

Anonymous said...

This is to Anonymous from Upstate New York: Actress Thelma Ritter badly wanted the part of "HAZEL". I read that she was experiencing some Health Issues which could have contributed to her not getting the part. I believe that Ted Key wanted SHIRLEY BOOTH TO PLAY "HIS HAZEL". He had seen her somewhere on "BROADWAY" and handpicked her for the role, if my recollection is correct. I believe I read this in Ted Key's Wikipedia. I've never read or heard that Maudie Pricket went out for the role of "HAZEL". This doesn't mean that she didn't. Unfortunately there isn't much information about some Actresses and way to much information about others. If I come across anything further I'll come back and post it here.

Rick Brooks said...

I can only speculate, but maybe there's hope Shout! will put out a big Complete Series set. It doesn't look like Sony is doing anything else with season 1 (or anything Hazel for that matter), and it isn't shy about licensing, so who knows. Mill Creek seemed like a possibility, but they seem to have slowed down their output from this era and shifted focus to the more modern properties that the studios have abandoned.

Rick Brooks said...

I agree about the ridiculous way they wrote out the REAL Baxters for season 5, but somehow I think I like the idea of Don Defore telling the producers to shove it if they asked him to take a pay cut.

Unknown said...

Does anyone know why Don DeFore holds the phone receiver BEHIND his ear on the Hazel show instead of up to his ear?

Anonymous said...

The Episode that Child Actress Judy Erin appeared in, in Season 3 is: "The Vanishing Hero", Episode 11, which aired on THANKSGIVING NIGHT: 11-28-1963. It was a "THANKSGIVING DAY EPISODE". Judy was not mentioned in the Credits. Nor does she appear again in the Series. This was one of my least favorite episodes in this season. Harold got upset threatened to run away from home because a childhood friend of George's insist that he beat George up in a fight. Of course HAZEL comes to the rescue and puts George back as the Apple in Harold's Eye. This was not one of my favorite Seasons.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew how to contact Meredith Baxter, Whitney Blake's Daughter. I would ask her to write a book about her mother. She could probably answer some of those "What", "How Come", and "Why" questions that she, no doubt, has been asked continuously through the years. Ron Defore could put together a "Question and Answer" Section on the "Website" that he has put together for his Father's Fans. For example, he must have been asked a million times over the years what happened to his Father's Hand, when it was all bandaged up?! Wouldn't this idea be great? This month marks the fifteenth year since Whitney past away. It also marks the 54TH ANNIVERSARY since the start of "Season 3" of "HAZEL" first aired. It's a good thing that I have the entire Series on DVD. "METV" and "ANTENNA TV" are not available in my area. I'll be viewing "SEASON 3" for the rest of this week because it Started on "SEPTEMBER 19, 1963". I've got plenty of "Popcorn".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, please quit posting paragraphs of text, for Pete's sake!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if all of the Seasons of "HAZEL" can be bought at WAL*MART or not. At least I haven't seen them. But then to be honest, I bought all of my Seasons from AMAZON. I only began them buying them when I saw on AMAZON that Season Five, the FINAL SEASON, was becoming available in January . I was a little tired of buying shows that weren't being sold in their entirety. Fortunately most of the shows that I've chosen to purchase have been completely released. If SHOUT FACTORY get their hands on the rights to a show, the fans can almost guarantee that they will release the remaining Seasons.

I checked with AMAZON. For some reason Season One Of "HAZEL" is only available with Sellers. I wonder if it has something to do with "SONY". I hope that every HAZEL FAN can get a copy before it becomes almost impossible to get a copy, opening the field up for every greedy person on the map. Just imagine, there are Sellers who would ask for $2,000 FOR Season ONE, just because they know that it is hard to find on the open market, if it is still Factory Sealed.

You probably don't have time to do this, however you can look around in other places that sell DVD'S. I understand that F•Y•E is still around. Some other places I can think of are Supermarkets, Drug Stores and Discount Type Stores, such as "BIG LOTS". Some Supermarkets used to have, and some probably still have "ELECTRONIC DEPARTMENTS". These sort of places often have good used rentals for sale. But then often they have plenty of unused still FACTORY SEALED SELECTIONS TOO, very inexpensively. During THE CHRISTMAS SEASON OF 2009 I was so broke. I had about $5.00 to spend. There was a "BIG LOTS" in my Neighborhood. Some of my family members and I went over there to shop, and I FOUND THE "INFAMOUS FIFTH SEASON" OF "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD", STILL FACTORY SEALED, FOR $3.00. I enjoyed every minute of it, too, on CHRISTMAS DAY. I don't think that I'll ever forget that. It was a very "HUMBLING EXPERIENCE".

Anonymous said...

Okay, another complainer! This is why I have mostly stopped contributing to forums like these. If you don't like all capital letters, then skip the posts. If you don't like long posts or paragraphs, then skip those too. Why make nonsensicle complains about something that isn't important to you or affecting your life one way or the other. But this forum wasn't discussing "HAZEL" much anyway, so you won't have to worry anymore about my posting paragraphs. Why don't you get a life, for Pete's Sake!

Unknown said...

Great post! I never even heard of Hazel till like 4 months ago then I saw it on Antenna TV. Great show. Mr.B has it made. Absolutely beautiful wife and a great cook in Hazel. He comes home to an awesome meal and then has sex with Missy. In one episode in season 4, he also got a brand new 1964 Mustang. Out of nowhere! What a life he had. It was funny, I was watching all the early seasons then, one Saturday, they played like S5 E6. I was completely confused. Different family but the son was still there. I held off looking into it online and just waited for S5 E1. They kinda explained it, but I was sure that there had to be something going on behind the sceens. SEASON 5 SUCKS! Thanks for the insight!

Unknown said...

That's a very good point! Wondered it myself!

Rick Brooks said...

Anonymous, I am still holding out hope that Shout! (or better yet because it would be cheap) Mill Creek releases a complete series set of the show or that it shows up on Shout! Factory TV.

Paul, you make a good point. Mr. B had a great life, and the only aggravations he endured were Hazel being right about 99.95% of everything plus dealing with Mr. Griffin. Sounds like a pretty good trade-off to me, too.

Earline said...

I am wondering, has anyone heard anything about a possible release of The Complete Series of "HAZEL"? Or the Re-release of Season One. It has not been available for awhile. And on "Amazon" it is being offered "Used" through their "Marketplace", but who wants to pay nearly $100.00 for it.

Rick Brooks said...

I bet Shout! puts out a complete series set eventually, but they have a lot of other product out there right now and may be waiting to milk the single season sales a little longer.

Unknown said...

I am so glad someone explained this. I was watching 2 shows a day on Antenna TV, the Baxter's (Don DeFore and Whitney Blake) were there one day, and the next day it was Lynn Borden and Ray Fulmer. DeFore and Blake's son, Harold, was still there, but a girl appears (Julie Benjamin) as Susie Baxter...I had no idea what happened. So, now I know they didn't renew Defore's and Blake's contracts and they hired Borden and Ray as their relatives to take care of Harold (Bobby Buntrock) and Susie was his cousin. I was so lost, I must have missed the episode where they explained the transition. I have to admit, after Borden and Fulmer took over, the show was not as good. No wonder it didn't last long after the transition. I loved Booth and DeFore's chemistry and Whitney Blake was such a sweetheart. Silly they could afford all the extra actors after DeFore and Blake's exit, but couldn't afford to pay DeFore and Blake more money. I just loved Hazel. Her personality is one of a kind!!

Rick Brooks said...

Hi, Melinda! I think that is one of the weird things about the transition--there wasn't an episode devoted to it, but more like one scene explaining what happened. TO be fair, I can understand why the show would try to move on quickly and not remind everyone too often that they were missing DeFore and Blake!

Shazbot said...

Hi everybody!

I am sad that starting in 2018, Antenna TV is only airing 1 episode of Hazel weekdays @ 10:00 am/EST, then 1 episode on Saturday & Sunday.

It seems that back-to-back episodes will not be broadcast of any show in the New Year. More shows airing during the day.

Some of the comments are interesting, but some folks need to stick to the topic at hand, Season 5. Yeah, not my favorite but I still think it's more entertaining than most shows.

Anyhow, Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Of course, I love the first four seasons of "Hazel", but the last season is nice on it's own merits. The one episode that annoyed me the most was "My Son, the Sheepdog". None of the adults offered even the slightest encouragement to the enthusiastic boys, and the show's "happy" ending had the adults manipulating and triumphing over the boys and crushing their dreams. Awful episode.
I thought it was amusing that Ray Fulmer was compared to Dick Sargent, because in the final episode, Darren's office is used in a few scenes.

Earline said...

It is sad that the episode: " My Son, The Sheepdog", wasn't written to encourage the boys art. But it was a sign of the time. Parents didn't understand rock and roll, and kids and young adults just wanted to express themselves. I haven't watched it in awhile. I did not know that "Darren's Office" was ever used in "Hazel". Maybe I should go and look at some episodes of "Bewitched" so that I would have a way to compare the two offices. But consider anyway that several shows and movies used some of the same sets. It saved money.

Earline said...

If anyone is interested, Julia Benjamin, "Susie Baxter" wrote a book titles: "SUSIE ... AIN'T SHE A DOOZIE? MY 'HAZEL' DAYS AND BEYOND". I haven't finished reading it yet. However, I have to start over because it's been a long while since I first started reading it. I learned about this book during the Summer of 2016. I was really more curious about what Julia has been doing all these years since "HAZEL". Maybe this will open up another forum of discussion. Someone complained that "HAZEL" isn't being discussed. Okay, let's get back on track then.

Rick Brooks said...

I apologize because I almost missed these last comments.

I had no idea Julia Benjamin wrote a book. Good news is it's available for Kindle. Bad news is: 10 bucks for a 194-pager? Please let us know how it is. I would love it if she went into a long dissertation on the absurdity of the way the show handled the Baxters' departure. =)

Rick Brooks said...

For my part, I have been meaning to resume the Hazel episode-specific posts. Next up is, I believe the color episode from Season 1, and I will try to get something up soon, even if it's just a series of screencaps. I would encourage anyone reading to leave some comments when I do!

Tilly Smith said...

Season 1; Episode 6. "What'll We Watch Tonight."

This is one of my favorite episodes! (Besides the Season 4; "Just 86 Shopping Minutes To Christmas").

By the way, what color are Perry Como's eyes? I love watching the subtle differences in this color episode during the opening sequence, versus the b&w opening.

Dorothy looked so gorgeous is that blue outfit/hat combination! Poor Hazel smelled like mothballs to George's dismay.

I just found this post and I love reading the comments.

Thank you.

Rick Brooks said...

Thanks, Tilly! I have a post coming up this week about that episode, and I'd love it if you would share those thoughts on that! I have one post with a little context on the episode, and then next week there will be one with screencaps.

Earline Taylor said...

Well, if no one has found out yet or just didn't comment about Singer Perry Como's eyes, they were Brown. I found that out some time ago when I was looking up something else about Perry Como. I forgot the name of the song that Perry is singing that the viewers hear in the background. However, to all of you Perry Como Fans, it is available for purchase.

Unknown said...

I agree I cannot stand the last season without Don and Whitney, they should of just ended the series and the last seasons ratings reflected it. Why did the real Baxters leave anyway??

Earlinefan said...

Thank God back to Season 1 today, on Antenna TV!!!

Earline Taylor said...

It's been a while since I've written anything here. Someone asked, almost 3 Months Ago, "Why did the real Baxters leave?" Okay, to water it down, the network that the show was on cancelled it, but then it was picked up on another network, I believe after Shirley Booth got her hands on the rights to the show. For the record, some folks think that Shirley owned the show from the start of it. She did not. Anyway, the Actors Don Defore and Whitney Blake were cut out because of cost to make room for younger Actors to take their place, which is why the last season had Ray Fulmer, and Lynn Borden. Bobby Buntrock was kept on because he wasn't as expensive. It was explained o the first episode in season five that the Baxters went to Saudi Arabia on Business and Harold stayed behind, attended by Hazel, to remain in school. It was said that they weren't going to be gone long. However, as we all know, they didn't return, which was the bummer. Okay Rick, if I've got anything wrong, please say so. Let's pick this forum up again.

Rick Brooks said...

Sorry I didn't see this sooner, Earline! Excellent comment.

Rick Brooks said...

Am I the only one who yearns for an E True Hollywood Story or some other documentary explaining this whole scenario?

I also love the idea of Bobby Buntrock trying to pull a "power play" but ultimately losing and showing up for season 5, chastened but still giving his all because he's a pro.

What I wonder is whether there were real negotiations with Defore and Blake or if it was more like, yeah, just get rid of them and keep the show going one more year but much cheaper.

Rick Brooks said...

I think I will put on one of the Christmas episodes this weekend!

Unknown said...

Rick, love the info provided in this blog. So much was explained. Thank you. You're a real doozy! Obsessesd with Shirley B! Love her very much.

Earline Taylor said...

You know Rick, some sort of a documentary is a good idea. Unfortunately there are very few people left, who had anything to do with "Hazel". I know that Peter Key, Ted key's Son, is still alive. He probably has some great info about the "Hazel Character".

I think it's such a shame that the main cast weren't interviewed sometime after the show was over. I'm not sure but I think Whitney Blake tried to distance herself from her "Dorothy Baxter" role. I've read that Shirley Booth enjoyed her role, as "Hazel". And it's probably safe to say that Don Defore enjoyed playing "George Baxter", too. I never read anything about how Bobby Buntrock felt about his role, as "Harold Baxter. He may have been happy to have moved on.

I do know that Whitney Blake did a radio interview with Tom Snyder, but I haven't heard it. There are a few things about Shirley Booth on YouTube. This is about as good as it gets. I just wish that there could be more.

Rick Brooks said...

It's a shame that Sony didn't bother to do any featurettes or anything, but I guess they DID put out the whole series, which is more than we can say for a lot of shows of the era.

Earline Taylor said...

Rick, This answer is way overdue, as you asked it last year. I mentioned that Julia Benjamin had written a Book Titled:"Susie...Ain't She A Doozie? My "Hazel" Days And Beyond. If you have already looked up or bought this Book, then please bear with me.

For the sake of other interested Fans, You wanted to know if Julia's Book was/is on Kindle. Yes, this Book is available on Kindle. It cost $9.95 on Amazon. I was able to get a Free Copy on Kindle because I had bought a copy in paperback. A paperback copy is $19.95.

I cannot comment about the Book because I haven't read it. Along with the two books that I purchased about Shirley Booth, I should have plenty to read this Summer, while I'm on the Beach. I hope you buy a copy.

Earline Taylor said...

I was wandering around on the internet asking questions. I happened upon another blog discussing Shirley Booth and "Hazel". I tried to respond but couldn't get on. The blog said that there are six seasons of "Hazel". I tried to respond with the correct information to that. But here is some info that may be news to "Hazel Fans". The blog said or claimed that Don Defore owned Ten Percent of "Hazel". I had read somewhere else that Don did own part of "Hazel". About Seven Percent.

Who knows what is true! I wasn't successful in getting any kind of trivia from Don's youngest son, Ron, at all. But ever now and again, with some persistence I come across trivia that he has placed on various forums. This makes me wonder how much of "Hazel" did Shirley Booth actually own and did anyone else other than Don own a slice of the pie. This is probably an interesting thought to pursue.

Rick Brooks said...

I agree! Thank you for the info!

AntennaTV Fan said...

I was looking at today's info about the episodes of Hazel on Antenna TV.

Turns out that the Christmas episode from season 4 (1964), will be playing at 11:30. I love Christmas-themed shows from the past!

Anyhow, I "Googled" the Hazel show; "Just 86 Shopping Minutes to Christmas" and while searching I came to this site.

While I don't really like season 5, I still watch it because it reminds me of a simpler time.

Rick Brooks said...

You're referring to the Mother's Day marathon? I think it's great that Antenna is still willing to run an oldie like Hazel.

Season 5 of Hazel is a lot more watchable to me than a lot of other stuff on these digital subchannels. Unfortunately, I don't get Antenna. I wish it could somehow form some kind of streaming app.

Earline Taylor said...

Fortunately all of "Hazel" is available on DVD. However, for "Hazel Fans" who have not bought but intend to buy the series, I've got Good News and Bad News. The Good News is: Seasons Two to Five are Budget Friendly. The Bad News is: The asking price for Season One is over $137.00. A used copy can start around $30.00. When I bought My First Copy it was $10.49. Last year I bought another copy as a back up copy, used, for $34.51. That was with Shipping and Handling. The First Season keep going in and out of availability. That might account for such a ridiculous price. I think it's time for the Series to be sold as a Complete Series. It probably wouldn't be more than $80.00, particularly if it's released by "Shout Factory". Sony owns the Rights To Season One. At least they did. "Shout Factory" owns the remaining Seasons. They would have to own Season One too, to release it as a Complete Series. Maybe they will.

Rick Brooks said...

Totally agree. The funny thing is, I have season 1 and wish that Shout would lower the price on the other seasons. Matter of fact, I kind of hate to say it, but I would like to see Mill Creek get the license or sublicense and do a complete series set for under 30 bucks. It's not as though Sony or Shout are going to do anything else with the series, so at this point I would welcome the chance to get the whole show at a budget price even if the quality isn't as good as the season one set from Sony,

Rick Brooks said...

If I start writing for the blog again (someday!) I may do a post about a great used bookstore find: A vintage Bantam Books paperback, "Here's Hazel," collecting a bunch of the Ted Post cartoons! It took me about 3 seconds to grab that one off the shelf. It was a decent price, too, and in nice reading-copy condition.

Rick Brooks said...

One more thing for today: If the DVDs aren't gonna be reissued, I would like to see Shout! license the show for streaming. A lot of the Shout product that is on Shout! Factory TV is on Amazon prime Video without commercials, and it would be great to see the Baxters there. There is also a lot of Shout! content on Tubi TV, free but ad supported, and I could go for that, too.

Unknown said...

Why did Whitney Blake leave suddenly with no explanation? The storyline explained that she had to go help take care of a family member who had a new baby and an injury. But that was a pretty lame excuse for her sudden absence!

Earline Taylor said...

I'm commenting about why was Dorothy Baxter (Whitney Blake) off of "Hazel" for about two or three episodes, giving the reason that her sister had had a new baby and she had sprained her ankle. I hope I remembered this right. Anyway, this is a roundabout answer and it may not be true or exact. However, in the Book: "Untied" by "Meredith Baxter", Whitney Blake's real life Daughter, Meredith discussed some trouble that she had gotten into at the school where she was attending in Michigan. Whitney had to attend to the trouble that Meredith had gotten into. In all fairness I did not read the entire book. And I don't think that Meredith indicates that Whitney took off work for that issue. But if I recall, when Meredith was recalling her younger years, and she was in school, it was around that time when Whitney was absent. You're entitled to your opinion, but why is the reason given for being absent a lame excuse?! People help their relatives with issues, situations, and problems all the time. It's a Human Factor.

Earline Taylor said...

I don't want to get into what is and isn't lame reasoning because when it comes down to Television any reason will do. From what I've come across from Fans of "Hazel", no one seems to like the "Off To Arabia" Storyline, to explain the disappearance of George and Dorothy. I wish they had just had George to be sent across the country for awhile, tying up his time, and sending Dorothy with him, instead of his commuting back and forth on the weekends. It would have been easier too to have them easily inserted back into an episode or two before the show ended. Somehow I just can't picture Dorothy wanting to go to the Middle East.

Unknown said...

You can watch season 5 of Hazel on fetv

Ron DeFore said...

Rick Brooks' analysis of "Hazel" and the new Baxters is spot on. I'm amazed that this is the first time I've found this blog and many comments. I'm Ron DeFore, Don DeFore's son, and as the anointed family archivist I should have tripped upon this dialogue a long time ago. It's great to see all agree that CBS made a mistake in switching to new Baxters. For all "Hazel" fans and Don DeFore fans I encourage you to get my new book, "Growing Up in Disneyland" Waldorf Publishing. It's part biography of Dad and my autobiography in a celebrity family and beyond. For more info:

Earline Taylor said...

Ron, I had read somewhere that your Book was due to be released soon, but I don't remember where I saw it, since I am often all over the internet. I'm happy that you decided to write the book, since you must have been asked millions of times over the years about your Father, "Actor Don Defore", "Disneyland", and "Hazel". You appeared on the First Episode of "Hazel": "Hazel And The Playground". I believe you were the Football Player who wore the Jersey with the number seven on it. I'm going to buy the book. It sounds like it'll be a fun book to read. I want to Thank You for writing it.

Rick, I think that Streaming "Hazel" is a good idea, especially if a viewer don't want to buy it by the Seasons. But if you're like me, I have Favorite Episodes that I like to watch over and over. I really can't see paying a monthly fee just to watch a few of my Favorite Episodes whenever I get a "Hazel Attack". And I would bet that older shows aren't going to show up on streaming for a long while yet. And when they do, it'll be the most popular ones first. I think another good idea would be for them to become available on Amazon Video. At least they could then be purchased individually and watched over and over without having to pay a Monthly Fee. What do you think about that?

Rick Brooks said...

Ron, thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments. I look forward to checking out your book. Not only do I love your father's patented comic exasperation as Mr. B, I am a fan of his movie work, too, in films like "Too Late for Tears." Years ago, I wrote a review for ClassicFlix of "Southside 1-1000," a cool picture with him as kind of a hard-boiled lead.

I think the question we'd all love for you to answer if you are reading is...what was the deal with Don's hand that forced him to have it bandaged/cast for multiple episodes? =)

Rick Brooks said...

Earline, I agree that streaming is no substitute for physical ownership, especially when shows get punted from one service to the next. I still think it would be a nice option to have it on, say, Roku Channel, though Prime would be best because of the lack of ads. You might be surprised how many older shows are currently streaming as part of the Prime package and not as a per-episode free: The Joey Bishop Show is an example of one many people may not even know is on there.

Earline Taylor said...

Rick, I wonder would Streaming be a good alternative, as a back up, just in case there is no longer anyway to play DVD's. Right now there are four gadgets that I know of that will play them. I've bought most of the shows that I want, that is, those that are available. I do know about "The Joey Bishop Show", but I've never seen it. I think some of the Streaming Companies offer trial runs.

Plus, Streaming eliminates buying and storing alot of Discs. Who can forget those bulky Video Cassettes that everybody and their Grandmother had! Maybe if enough Fans petition the companies, we can not only get "Hazel" but dozens of other shows. I've come across at least a dozen shows that I'd like to see that aren't available anywhere.

Earline Taylor said...

Hazel Fans, you like might to know that if you purchase Ron Defore's book: "Growing Up In Disneyland" from Amazon, in print, they will give you the option to also buy it for $2.99 on Kindle. Otherwise the price is higher. At this time I don't know if this is a limited offer.

swise said...

I just finished watching all five seasons of Hazel on DVD. I recalled many of them when they first aired and I enjoyed them. Regarding ending the series...I think back then series didn't end with a wrap as they do now. It was curious though that the last scene of the last episode was of Ann Jillian and her boyfriend. There were several episodes in the last season that I enjoyed but indeed was disappointed that Hazel was less of a central character and it is understandable given her health issues. As for as the change of's TV and it didn't really have to make sense. The storyline was that George Baxters were to be away for just a few months for Mr. Griffin. There were interspersed lines regarding letters from Arabia but not much else. Actually what I missed in the 5th season most were the Johnsons!

Earline Taylor said...

I think it's safe to say that alot of "Hazel Fans" have an issue with Season Five. The biggest mostly seem to be that "George and Dorothy" were written out and "Steve and Barbara", two characters never mentioned before, suddenly appear in their place. I may have said this somewhere in this forum before: I think they should have used "Bob and Phyllis Burkett", George's Younger Sister and Her Husband. It seem to me that they could have created stories from situations and issues that had come up in the Episode in which they appeared in: "Everybody's Thankful But Us Turkeys". Though Actor Charles Cooper, who play "Bob Burkett", continue in Acting, Actress Beverly Tyler got married and started a family. She mostly left Acting, except in Regional Theater in Nevada, where she eventually moved to. But if they couldn't get Beverly, maybe they could have gotten someone else for the part. The point is, their characters wouldn't have been "pop-ups". I think Fans will always talk about "Hazel" what they like and don't like. I for one, am not happy at the way Season Five was written. I don't think they thought it out. The Secretary Millie played by Ann Jillian, was wrong. Of course since Hazel moved her friends all disappeared, and they should have finished it right by bringing back George and Dorothy. Back then no sitcoms were finished. So because "HAZEL" is an unfinished show, Fans will always discuss what should have happened.

Earline Taylor said...

Occasionally I check prices for Season One of "HAZEL" on "Amazon". As of this moment there are Used Copies for just over $6.00 up to just over $80.00. New Copies start at just over $53.00 to around $180.00. Of course with most of the selections you have to pay Shipping, Handling, and Tax. I have bought other used items from two of the sellers, which I won't divulge because I don't want to influence anyone's purchase in any way. I just want Fans to know that there are chances to buy a copy within their own budget.

swise said...

Earline, I appreciate your comments. I don't dislike the 5th season as much as others. I don't know whether the Thanksgiving episode would spin off to focusing on that couple. George's sister seemed pretty boring. Now if by some chance Hazel ended up with Deidre, since they lived in the same city as George, that might have been some spicy stuff. But I think the change was to appeal to a younger audience so that is probably they moved to the Steve Baxters. Off the specific topic, I much preferred George's mother in the gardening episodes than the actress in the Thanksgiving one. And as far as Hazel's friends, other than Rosie, none really had much impact one way or the other.

Rick Brooks said...

I continue to hope for a Mill Creek repackaging of the Hazel DVDs, even with "budget" packaging, so we can get all seasons new at an affordable price. It seems Crackle, even with new ownership, is still licensing and streaming Sony shows, so maybe it will pop up there someday, but who knows.

Earline Taylor said...

I, too, hope that Mill Creek or some other company will offer the entire Series eventually. What can the hold out be about?! I can, but I won't, rattle off at least eight other shows that were on between the 1950's and the 1960's that can be purchased by the season or the completed entire series at once. I keep wondering if it may be because Sony own the Rights to Season One! Shout Factory own the other four. I would buy it, just to have as a back up. Everyone who read this forum know the issue about Season One. I think Streaming is great. I also think it would be wonderful to only buy the Episodes we want, such as what Prime Video offers, is an excellent idea too. Maybe for the 60th Anniversary of the show somebody will get the brilliant idea to package it as a Completed Series and maybe as an extra include an interview with Peter Key, Ted Key's Son. I don't think that anyone else who directed, produced or who wrote for "Hazel" are left.

Earline fan said...

Back to Season 5 on Antenna Tv today. Ughhh!!!

When I see John Banner as a pastry chef, I know Season 5 is coming.

Anonymous said...

Swise, you are absolutely right! "Hazel is only a TV Show,and it don't have to make sense. But when they decided to write out George and Dorothy, sending them to Saudi Arabia, and said that they were only going to be gone for a few month, then that was a door opener to finish the storyline. Since that wasn't done, it left a big space for continuation. Do you recall the episode: "George's Niece"? It introduced the "Thompson's". It was subtle, but Hazel and did Deidre did wind up under the same roof for a little while. "Harry" was being transferred and "The Thompson's" needed a temporary place to stay, until they could secure housing. So they stayed with "The Baxter's". Now if they had written episodes with Hazel and Deidre clashing with each other, The Thompson's were still looking for suitable housing, that may have been fun and spicy to watch. That episode also introduced to other characters that came and went without any finishing touches.

"Nancy Thompson", "The Thompson's" only "Daughter", was a young sweet sensible woman, who didn't take to Deidre's snootyness and would defy her at every turn. Then there was "Eddie Baxter", Hazel's Nephew. Of course Deidre didn't approve of him because he was Hazel's Nephew. George and Dorothy liked Eddie and tried telling Deidere how Eddie was as a person. But of course she wasn't hearing. HE WAS HAZEL'S NEPHEW. And no relative of Hazel's was good enough to be associated with her or hers.

Nancy and Eddie dated for three episodes and then the cut-off happened. There weren't anymore episodes featuring the two lovebirds. I think that storyline could have developed into something too. I may have said the following in one of my comments too. I don't think anyone thought about the impact that early Television was going to leave on the fans who watched those early shows. They probably didn't think about finishing storylines and what writing out main characters might do to the show. They didn't think about the Fans being left disappointed because their favorite shows would just end without a warning, leaving characters dangling and storylines unfinished. And of course no one knew that decades later Storyboards, Forums and Websites like this one would come about to discuss shows such as "Hazel" so that Fans have an outlet.

Stuart said...

I guess when the creative juices stop flowing the effect is they don't care, which may be a shame, but that is the reality. As you are aware, George and Dorothy were dropped because the powers that be wanted to attract audience with a younger couple. OK, they weren't all that exciting but be it as it may, once can conclude that the few months in the Mideast was extended and no need to expound on that. I liked the Hazel-Deidre tussles which generally ended with a contrite Deidre (my favorite is the fashion show episode). But how many times can you do that? As for her daughter, there was reference in a later episode (I think when Harry was turning down a big job and risk their marriage) where there was reference to the young couple getting married. Again, how much can you milk that? Just to repeat, once a show is canceled, the creators just move on and probably feel fans should do the same.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Shirley Booth returned to the theater for awhile after Hazel ended. If that's true then why the stories about health issues to get out of Hazel? They may be true or have some truth to them. No one, unless they truly need the money would return so quickly to work. She didn't retire right away. Besides returning to theater she was on an episode of the Ghost and Mrs. Muir and she was on a short lived comedy called a touch of grace in the early 1970s. For all I know her health could have improved and she then decided to go back to work. I think she just got tired of hazel and wanted out of the show. They say she owned the show but I don't think it was 100 percent. Others had a percentage too. But I think she had the biggest slice. After she acquired the rights, negotiations went into play and cutting cost was on the agenda. So the parents were written out because of their salaries and less expensive actors were brought in, as relatives. She handpicked Lynn borden. I guess I never thought about it before but barbara had blond hair, blue eyes, and a nice figure, just like dorothy. But dorothy had a part-time hobby-career. Barbara did not have a job, career or hobby. Steve was tall, and had dark hair, just like George, except he was slimmer. And their professions were very different.

Anonymous said...

When I mention dangling characters and unfinished storylines it's in reference to simply finishing the characters and closing the storylines. Even I'm intelligent enough to know that something can't go on forever. No Book! No Movie! No TV Show! They all have to end sometime. However, that doesn't mean that unfinished characters and stories couldn't have been finished. And that is what I'm suggesting that they should have done. Not bled them to the point of tiresome anemia. When a character is finished it's finished. And so is a storyline. That was my point. I certainly wasn't suggesting bringing the show back. But when Fans come to forums like this one, asking "how come" and "why", then it's obvious that they weren't satisfied.

Stuart said...

I saw Shirley Booth on Broadway in 1970 in "Look to the Lilies," the short-lived musical version of Lilies of the Field. She played the German mother superior and you can still find a clip from Ed Sullivan show from the musical.When it comes to series ending with a concluding tie-up, the best I can remember is the last episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show. I would imagine actors can get tired of a role and maybe that is why Shirley gave it up. while My Three Sons was on for 12 years and I guess Fred MacMurray didn't tire of that fatherly role.

Earline said...

From 1966 to 1970 is four years. A person's health can, of course, improve in that measure of time. I know it can be more difficult to improve one's health from when the person just go,go and go. Or in Shirley's case work, work, and work. But she did work some between the ending of "Hazel" in 1966 to the Broadway Play "Look To The Lilies". So either her health improved, she needed the money, or she just enjoyed working. Nobody really know or if they do they're keeping it close to their vest. I've known people to leave their job because of their health. But if they returned, they always said they needed the money.

I didn't see "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" when it first aired. I was so young. But I saw it in reruns after it had long been out of production. The only show I saw back then to finish it's storylines was "Good Times". Recently I finished watching The Fugitive which starred David Janssen. That was "finished". I watch and have watched tons of old shows. I have even bought and watched shows I hadn't heard of before. And I can say without a doubt I am not satisfied with the way any of them ended.

swise said...

It could be that series tend not to wrap up because unless there is a continuous plot line, the shows are more like "Day in the life" situation and when the program ends, you just assume life carries on for them. I remember "The Fugitive" and that finale was I believe one of the most watched TV shows in history, but it made sense to wrap up because basic story line involved the identity of the one-armed man. Among more recent vintage shows, I liked the final episode and series finale of "Ugly Betty." I really liked that show and sorry it didn't go on, but they did a good job tying the main things up.

swise said...

How about this as a finale?
I was watching an episode in season 4 last night and it occurred to me, I would have been happy with the following series finale. Let me know what you think?

The last couple of episodes would reintroduce Enzo Martelli, the Italian guy she met in night school and who seemed smitten with Hazel. He appeared again in season four in "Temper, Temper" and once again in Season 5. I would have Enzo propose to Hazel, she would accept and the final episode would be her wedding with a guest appearance of the George Baxter, Hazel's nephew from earlier in the series and then add some of the previously mentioned but unseen relatives.
What do you think?

Earline said...

Now that's a thought: Hazel marrying Enzo. Hazel had a few fellows chasing her all the time. There was Barney, the Mailman. And there was a Milkman, whose name escapes me, who tried to get a date. Plus there was Mitch, the Taxi Cab Company Owner. And let's not forget that she was proposed to by Mr. Griffin.

To be honest, I was rooting for Barney. He was her first love interest on the show. That went nowhere as Hazel shunned him for going out with someone else, whom we never saw. Yeah, Hazel was quite a Gal. Definitely before her time.

What I think would have been a good idea would have been for her to have reconnected with Barnie. Maybe Barnie is transferred to her area. Or he is visiting and they run into each other. Maybe Hazel comes to visit Rosie and there Barney is delivering the mail and they get together for Dinner and Barnie proposes.

Of course this event would bring back and hopefully tie up several loose ends. They could have brought back everybody as couples: Stan Blake with Miss Lewis, Eddie Baxter with Nancy Thompson, The Johnsons, and of course George and Dorothy. While Hazel would have been putting her Wedding together, everybody's stories would have been inserted to hopefully explain everything. Everybody would have been happy except poor Rosie who still was without a fella. Of course they could have used someone who had already been on the show to suddenly become a love interest for her at The Reception. Of course that would have been a little late. But better late than never. Harold would have been reunited with his parents and Hazel and her New Husband Barney would have ridden off into the sunset. The End!

What do you thing about my idea for a finale?!

Earline said...

I know that "Hazel" is a light-hearted family show that everybody can sit down and watch without anything questionable. This also means being predictable. Hazel always fixed everything in the end. But here's a twist I hadn't thought of. What if they had decided to Marry off Hazel to one of her Love Interest, and she accepts but then a problem is thrown in because "Gus" is brought in to confuse things?!

Remember him, from the episode: "So Long, Brown Eyes"? He was a long ago love interest for Hazel whom she hadn't gotten over. He shows up, tugging at her heart strings again, trying to convince that he's the right man for her.

In steps Dorothy. She always had good sense. She let Hazel know just how she feel about Gus's actions and marrying him would be a big mistake. Dorothy know he would break her heart. That he was unstabled and unreliable. She convinces Hazel that she deserved more than just pipe dreams and fantasy. So once again, Hazel sends off, but for good.

swise said...

Yeah I like that. The reason I felt Enzo is because he was reintroduced in the final season and is there while the other guys were not, but whoever the guy is, I think this would have been a great ending to the series.

As for Gus, I think once she found out he was a playboy she was done with him. All those years he made no contact and to declare his love at this point would be hard to swallow, especially since Hazel made no reference to him in the last couple of seasons, as far as I can remember.

Earline said...

If they had done something like that it would have shown "Hazel" as the strong woman that she was to the end. Throwing a wrench into her Wedding Plans would have been just like what happens in real life.I have yet to see Wedding Plans go off without a hitch. Of course Hazel would have fixed everything in time for her Wedding to have gone as planned. The Fans wouldn't have loved it. It would have been light drama mixed with comedy. Some ideas that could have used? "Trouble with the cake", "Where is the Groom", "The Caterers are Late", "Their Venue is lost due to flooding". There are probably thousands of ways to mess up Wedding Plans. Of course all of this is only fun thinking for what could have happened to end the show. Have anyone else got some other ideas?

Unknown said...

Great comments! I agree with all except for your assessment of Missy. I liked her, although no, she’s not as pretty as Barbara, but I believed her relationship with Hazel and George. The actors playing Steve and Barbara are painful to watch with their overacting yet absolute blandness.

As for Hazel getting married, no. She’s great all by herself and doesn’t need a man. What she needs is to begin her own house cleaning service chain and become a mogul! Or she could decide to write stories and tv scripts about working as a maid. She’ll always have plenty of friends and people who love and admire her - no need to saddle her with a husband.

Also school was much more sophisticated then than it is now. It's a mess now.

swise said...

I think given the time period of the show, independent woman would have been too far ahead of her time.

Earline said...

I'm sure that there are fans who probably would not have wanted Hazel to get married. But I've noticed that that subject came up alot in early television shows. Hazel may have been an independent woman but she wasn't immuned to the subject. I think it would have been a good idea for her to have gotten married and have her character to have become a business woman. There were women at that time who were married, had businesses and families. It wouldn't have been to far of a stretch. Remember when women went from door to door selling cosmetics? Some of those women were married and had children too.

I think in Hazel's heart she wanted to get married but she was devoted to The Baxters. She didn't want to leave them. But when the show was ending, that opened up the opportunity for it to happen. Besides, by the time the show ended, Harold, played by Bobby Buntrock, was going on fourteen. He didn't really need so much caring for anymore. And though she had cared for Dorothy years before she got married, Dorothy would have wanted her to be happy. I couldn't see her trying to hold on to Hazel, forfeiting a chance for her to live out the rest of her life happily.

I don't remember anyone saying that Dorothy was prettier than Barbara. I'm sure that I didn't say that. But beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Maybe when she was picked for the role they had a younger somewhat lookalike of Dorothy in mind. They both had some of the same similarities: Blonde, Blue Eyes, decent figures, and
basically intelligent. For all of you who don't know this: Shirley Booth handpicked Lynn Borden to play Barbara Baxter.

In the era in which the show: "Hazel" was on television, women who worked or ran businesses, and had husbands and children were not promoted in our society. But they were out there. When I was young I knew kids whose parents worked. So even though it may have been a stretch to have had Hazel to get married and still working, that wouldn't have been beyond the realms of probability.

Rick Brooks said...

Great discussion here! My inclination is that the thinking would be that maybe it would look like Hazel were "abandoning" the Baxters if she got married. The reaction here (and everywhere) to the sudden departure of the Baxters makes me wonder if people would feel similarly unsatisfied if *Hazel* was the one who left.

I can see a scenario with Hazel leaving once Harold was older, maybe marrying, only she would move in across the street and keep "meddling" in the Baxters' lives, prompting an eye roll from Mr. B!

swise said...

Given the origin of the series, namely a New Yorker cartoon, I think it would be most likely she would have moved on to a different family. I think it would have been cute for her to become maid for the wacky Johnsons

Earline said...

The thing is, they tried moving Hazel on to another Family, though they were "Baxters" too, it didn't work. George and Dorothy definitely had a loyal fan base. I'm not sure fans would have wanted to see Hazel working for any other Family either. Helping out, fine. But working for, probably not. However, Hazel working for "The Johnsons" is an interesting idea. They were so wonderfully helpless.

Maybe the "Abandoning The Baxter" idea was what was in the back of Hazel mind which kept her from getting to involved or serious about anyone. And I keep wondering how would they have fit a husband into the script! And remember when she had written that cookbook? She would have had to go on the road to promote it. These days she would have had other avenues which wouldn't have required that she traveled.

I think Hazel would have made it quite clear that she was not leaving "The Baxters"
for good. That as soon as she was back from her Honeymoon, she was going to be back in their kitchen. Yes, surprise "The Baxters" by moving Hazel into that cute little house across the street that her Husband bought her as a Wedding Present. Hazel will still pop in on The Baxters but she doesn't neglect her own home. Remember when "The Blake's" lived next door and Hazel helped them without neglecting "The Baxters"? It could be something like that.

Except I think the point of marrying Hazel and sending her off on a Honeymoon would have been to end the show and satisfy the fans that everybody was benefitting from the ending: Harold would have been reunited with his parents and they would have gone on with their lives. And Hazel would have gone off on her Dream Honeymoon.

Earline said...

Though it's true that Ted Key sold his work, including the Hazel Comic Strip to the Saturday Evening Post, in New York, he was actually from Fresno, CA. He moved to New York to sell his work. Ted Key past away on May 03, 2008 nearly twelve years ago. It was never made clear, but I think "Hazel" was set somewhere in New York. But the City is never mentioned. Mr. Key lived long enough to see the first Season Of "Hazel" be released to DVD in 2006. It took years for the rest of the series to be released.

Anonymous said...

I bet Earline has a lot of cats!! Haha

Great show and great discussions.

Earline Fan said...

I though maybe the Baxter's lived in or near Philadelphia. Any ideas?

swise said...

This is from re location of hazel

HAZEL (1961 - 1966)
The Baxter family resided at 123 Marshall Road, in an unspecified eastern city (possibly in New Jersey, as New York and Philadelphia were mentioned as nearby cities). George Baxter, played by Don DeFore, was an attorney with the firm of Butterworth, Hatch and Noell. He lived with his wife Dorothy (Whitney Blake), their young son Harold (Bobby Buntrock) and their maid, Hazel Burke (Shirley Booth). The series was based on a comic strip by Ted Key.

Earline said...

I'm sure that the person who made the cat joke thought that he or she was being funny. I'm not amused. If you must know, I enjoy cats. However, I don't own any. I refuse to pay "Pet Rent". Now back to the subject of this forum. I'm not sure of how I came up with Hazel possibly being set in New York. I think it was from some trivia I read somewhere about the show. But "The Baxter's" were given such an unimaginative address: 123 Marshall Road. Let's say it was set in New York, in a small Suburb, New York. They could have come up with a better fictitious name and number for a Street.

I was born and raised in a big City that is often used in movies and television shows. And they often come up with names of streets that don't exist there. They probably didn't want to think to seriously about it. "Hazel" is not a serious show. And I think that one of the reasons why Fans come to Forums like this one, to discuss the show, is because of Season Five. If the show had ended differently, Rick Brooks, the creator of this Blog, may not have created this one. Unless it's his Favorite Show.

swise said...

Nothwithstanding what I just posted re location being somewhere between NYC and Phila, it did seem the Baxters lived in a city big enough to have an international airport a symphony orchestra and big law firms, not to mention high society, so it probably just another fictitious big eastern city. Yet, it seems like it never snows there so either that was just careless set siting or it's a snowless climate.

On a different topic, Harriet MacGibbon, who also played Margaret Drysdale on the Beverly Hillbillies, played Mother Baxter in just one episode. That role was later played by Louise Lorimer, was one that surprising played such a small part of the show. I really liked Lorimer and those couple of episodes that featured her.

Earline said...

It's really peculiar, because I don't think anyone else thought of snow, including me, either. I love snow. Christmas just wasn't quite right without it. And "Hazel" had two Christmas Episodes and enough time to add snow into other episodes too. Actress Harriet MacGibbon was on one of my favorite episodes: "Everybody's Thankful But Us Turkeys". And I first remember her from "The Beverly Hillbillies", as the snooty wife of the Banker. That character reminds me of "Deirdre Thompson", George's older sister, played by Actress Cathy Lewis. It was also the only episode in which George's Youngest Sister "Phyllis" and Brother-In-Law "Charles" appears.

They could have had Hazel and Harold to live with Phyllis and her Husband Charles for awhile. At least they had already been introduced to the audience. They adored Hazel and the audience may not have minded. That younger demographic thing is just beyond me. "Hazel" was/is a family show. Everybody from the Grandparents to the little kids on the floor were watching it. I was young when I first saw the show, but it had gone into reruns.

But, as I've mentioned, "Hazel" was/is not a serious show. Overlooking details probably didn't occur to the writers. They just simply wrote. They didn't think that nearly Sixty Years after the beginning of the show folks would be discussing it. The thing is no show will ever have a pleasing ending to all of its Fans. There's no way! Everyone is going to want something different.

Remember those pick an ending Novels with alternative endings? After the reader had read the book, the reader would pick an ending by filling out the form in the back of the book by picking ending "A" or "B" and sending it in to the Publisher. The ending with the most votes would win. I don't remember what. And there was another contest where the novel would be left unfinished. The readers would compete for a publishing contract by writing an ending to the novel. The one considered to be the best ending would be printed and the writer would win the contract. Wouldn't it have been something if they had given the viewing audience an opportunity like that?!

Earline said...

I found a book on "Amazon" called "Ted Key's All Hazel". It is a Hardcover Book with 92 Pages of Hazel Cartoons, which had been originally published in The Saturday Evening Post. The pages are 8"×10". I've bought one. And there are about nine more copies at this time being offered. Somewhere on this forum someone mentioned having seen a book of Hazel's Cartoons offered a Yard or Garage Sale and regretted not having purchased it. This may be another chance to. I don't know know much in demand Ted Key's Hazel Cartoons are, but this is the first time I've come across any of them being offered in a book.

swise said...

I mentioned snow only in context of where the show was supposed to take place, musing that if it were in the East, you would think there would be snow or at least bitter cold at some point. Mary Tyler Moore show, for instance, was clearly Minneapolis and so snow was normal. I guess the writers just didn't really want to locate the show anywhere particular. I remember in the episode with Claude Akins as an artist at one point Steve says Deidre drove all the way down, not sure if he said Hattiesburg (Mississippi) or Harrisburg. Now we know that she moved to same town as George. So unless she moved again...

Earline said...

Any show that is set up in the Eastern States or anywhere in the Mid-West should follow the seasons. I don't think that the writers thought about authenticity. They simply wrote. They probably didn't put much stock into what happens during a year: Holidays, Weather and Wardrobe Changes, etc. Though there were coats worn on the show.

I don't like to compare Television to real life. But I like episodes of shows that kept in step with the Calender. Unfortunately "Hazel" never got around to celebrating New Years Day or Easter. Back then many of the shows had enough episodes to cover close to a year. They had a lot to work with. Maybe it was about budget and time. Television was very young at that time. It was still drawing from Comic Strips and Radio. Maybe they were just following the formula.

The Quarantine Kid said...

I remember an episode when someone asked George twice; "How do you think the Eagles will do this year?"

They could be asking about any sport, since it was a television show. But I thought that the theme on this particular episode was about football. I haven't followed Hazel for a few years, so I maybe completely wrong.

Wasn't there an episode when the dog 'Smiley' was lost at Natural Bridge? Someone stated the miles between where the Baxter's lived and the place where 'Smiley' was lost. Maybe that could narrow down a possible locale where they were living?

I just started watching Hazel again since we started being in quarantine. I'm glad that the show is still airing.

Nice conversation during these trying times!

By the way, we have 3 cats and we love them all.

swise said...

Yes your points would confirm the thought that the show is located somewhere in NJ or near Philadelphia. It obviously is a city large enough to have an international airport though the downtown seems like that of a smaller city.

On a different subject, this is from sitcomesonline
Yes, the Hazel house is next door to the Bewitched house. And the next door neighbor's (the Blakes) house used in Season 1 is the Wilson house from Dennis the Menace, the Blake's interior is the Wilson house exactly. The Hazel house was also used as the Gidget house, the living room was re-done for Gidget, but the kitchen is still practically the same as it was on Hazel. The outside of the Hazel house is the exact same on Gidget still.

Earline said...

Yes! Unfortunately the situation we are all living under has caused us to semi-hibernate. I have watched so much television lately. I think I recall an episode on "Hazel" when an entire Football Team were at The Baxter's Home. The Owners had had a falling out with each other and Hazel came up with a plan to get them back together. But I'll have to see it again to offer any more details.

I know that the houses on those shows were used over and over, from show to show, with changed decors. But I didn't know that the "Blake's House" was the interiors of The Wilson's House. I didn't think about it, but if someone know which city "The Mitchells" and "The Wilsons" were set in then it would stand to reason that that's where "The Baxters" and "The Blakes" may have lived too. They may not have changed the City. They would have for "Gidget". Since she was always at the Beach, and there was Surfing, the show would have been set in either California or Hawaii.

Earline said...

"The Blake's Home" was shown three times but I hadn't connected it to "The Wilson's House". I'll have to look at "Dennis, The Menace" for any comparison. That house was in the episode that introduced "The Blakes": "Them New Neighbors Is Nice", where only the Living Room Area was seen. In the episode: "Hazel's Pajama Party" only the Living Room and Kitchen was seen. In the episode: "Hazel, The Matchmaker", the Dining Room and Kitchen was seen. But if it's true that the interiors of "The Wilson's House" was used in Season One of "Hazel" for "The Blake's House", then how come the Kitchen looked different on the episode: "Hazel's Pajama Party", than it did on the episode: "Hazel, The Matchmaker". To me it look like two different sets. And the Kitchen on "Hazel, The Matchmaker" seem larger to me.

Sets on those shows changed all the time. We saw more interiors than exteriors. And it was always more expensive to film outside than on a Soundstage. It is odd that sometimes the Sets would change back and forth. Because of what's going on right now I can overload on the sitcoms mentioned: "Bewitched", "Dennis, The Menace", "Gidget", and of course "Hazel". Fortunately I have all of these shows so that I can try to see some what I've been overlooking.

Earline said...

The episode in which "Smiley" gets lost was: "Genie With The Light Brown Lamp". The episode was a "Thanksgiving Episode", though the main focus was on finding "Smiley" more than getting Holiday Dinner together.

The thing that always sort of irritated me about this Show is that they sometimes had "Hazel" acting ignorant. Think about this: Hazel had taken Night Class after Night Class after Night Class. So why wouldn't she know how to speak properly?! When she and Harold's Teacher got into an is it correct to say: "Me and Harold or Harold and I" thing, it was just odd that "Hazel" didn't know what she was talking about. How can someone who has had some education not know that?!

I guess they didn't want Hazel to appear to be to educated. But she was into improving herself. It was probably just more inconsistencies in the scripts. She didn't have to act brainy. We all slaughter the English Language once in awhile. But sometimes it was to much with Hazel.

swise said...

The Baxter family tree.
We have discussed the matter of the sudden appearance of George's brother Steve, who was the Baxter of the fifth season. To my knowledge, there was never a mention of him in previous seasons. In the episode "Hazel's Day," Deidre is shown delighting over her family tree and shows Harold his family. She mentions George, then with disdain "Harry," and then herself It seems like she completed a thought, but what about sister Phyllis? And who is Harry? There is an episode about George's nephew. Could that be the son of never seen Harry? Any thoughts?

Earline said...

You're right! There was never any mention of a Brother named Steve Baxter. Nor his Wife Barbara. If it's the Harry I'm thinking of, it must be Deidre's Husband. She was never respectful to him. It's probably just more of the inconsistencies in the scripts. George had a Cousin named "Grace". But then she appeared on "Hazel's" only two part episode: "Scheherazade". The thing is she wasn't referred to as George's Cousin but as Hazel's Friend "Gracie", whom she was going to visit long distance, by car. I don't recall a Nephew. Only a Niece, "Nancy", Deidre's and Harry's Daughter. Now Hazel had about three Nephews and a Cousin who showed up on the show. And a Sister named Jennie, was mentioned, but never seen. I think George had the most assorted relatives on the show. Which season do you recall a Nephew being mentioned. I'll check it out.

Pam said...

Just spent about 2 hrs reading all the comments. Very nice to know I am not alone in my love of Hazel!
I do have a question, I get 2 episodes of Hazel daily, and it has looped through all 5 seasons several times. But for some reason certain episodes are skipped, such as season 2 episode 22 and season 3 episode 20. Can anyone explain why certsin ones would be skipped? For those of you who own, the DVDs, are there any episodes skipped?

swise said...

Getting back to where the program is located....In the episode the Hazel Walk, the show focuses on the Pocono Trail and plans to run a new highway through it. That would definitely place the program in Pennsylvania and given the actual location of the trail it probably is not Philadelphia but maybe a smaller city like Wilkes-Barre. In another episode, Hazel refers to a bus running just once an hour on Saturday, which would be more consistent with a smaller city. On the other hand there apparently is an international airport as evidenced by other episodes. I know it probably just a fictitious city but it's fun to speculate

swise said...

I have the full series.Regarding the skipped episodes..I don't know why and I can't speculate but the two missing ones are among my top favorites. The season two on is Hazel's Day Off, which she tames a very tough client of Mr. Baxter. ANd the season three one is The Fashion Show, where Hazel stands in for Mrs. Baxter in Deidre's upscale show and ends up stealing the show. Maybe they are on YouTube!

Unknown said...

GREAT commentary! I was NOT a fan of the character Steve Baxter. I even found myself at odds with the actor. LOVED Hazel!!! Great show when Mr. B was there.(Mr. Griffin was a bit over-exposed. Very unrealistically intrusive man.)

swise said...

What I liked about Mr. Griffin was how he shifted his moods so easily, from stern with Mr. B and the next moment like a puppy dog with Hazel. I always laughed when he would say "Wonderful woman! Did I ever tell you she reminds me of my mother?" Or some variation of that. There are many episodes when he revealed this soft side, and I enjoyed his character. My favorite episode with him was when he proposes to Hazel.

swise said...

Another Pennsvylania clue:
In the episode "Mind Your Own Business" George makes small talk with Mr. Griffin and a future partner asking how they thought the (Philadelphia) Eagles were going to do that season.

swise said...

So Hazel fans, what are your least favorite episodes from the first four seasons? Given feelings about the 5th, let's leave that for now. My least favorite are the two dealing with Howie Knowles re his getting married and moving next door. I don't care for his character at all and just didn't care for the episodes that focused on him.

Rick Brooks said...

Hello, everyone! Just want to check in with a few comments of my own:

1) Hazel is not my favorite show, but I love, love, love the fact that the conversation has continued here on my humble blog. I spend most of my classic TV time on my podcast now (which is 1970s and 1980s TV), but maybe someday I will start going through the episodes again and give us a new set of things to discuss.

Rick Brooks said...

2) I love cats, too, and reside in cat territory =)

3) I picked up an old paperback of ted Key cartoons last year at a used bookstore, but moved soon afterwards and forgot about it. I think it's time to dig it out!

Rick Brooks said...

4) For some reason I love inconsistencies in old TV shows. I think it's part of their charm, at least for me. One of the best examples was The Odd Couple, which had multiple versions of how Felix and Oscar met--a pretty big part of the show's foundation!

5) Interesting signs that maybe Hazel was set (at least unofficially) in Philly or nearby! I think at one point I assumed it was somewhere in the NE suburbs, but maybe Connecticut if not NY, and I might have glossed over an "Eagles" reference as a generic one that could have been tied to a fictional team.

6) We may never know things like where the show is set, but it's fun to talk about! Thank you all for the comments!

swise said...

Well thanks Rick for setting up this blog. I happen to love Hazel, but I discovered when I think of old sitcoms that I really enjoyed (and I saw all these first run), they all had lead female characters: I Love Lucy, Hazel, That Girl, Petticoat Junction, the Mary Tyler Moore Show and Bewitched.

Most interesting is how That Girl is held up as groundbreaking for being having a feminist lead, but I always felt she was too ditzy, sometimes childish. Recently finished the book about the Mary Tyler Moore show--now that was a show!

Pam said...

Just adding to the conjecture about where the Baxter's live. I agree it could be Pennsylvania because of the Pocono trail and reference to the Eagles. But Hazel makes a drive to visit Gracie in California and that would be pretty far to drive alone. But I also remember Millie wanting a surfboard.... not very useful in PA

swise said...

That is an interesting observation but given Hazel's nature, it wouldn't surprise if she did a drive like that alone and in record time. As for the surfboard, well she could have been going on vacation. But certainly not tropical climate with no palm trees. I really liked the episodes with Gracie.

Pinky Winchester217 said...

I truly love the black and white seasons. Black and white or color, Hazel is one of the greatest sitcoms ever! I would love to see a reboot of that wonderful program and characters should be selected carefully as to come as close to the originals as possible in manner and looks.

swise said...

That would be great but I doubt today's audiences would go for it unless it was sexed up. I think the old show The Nanny may have been such an effort. But you think today's society wants to see squeaky clean families?

Trying to recreate a similar is as hard to imagine as to find another Karen Carpenter

KFD said...

Hi, there, I have been on a Hazel jag as of late, recording them from Antenna TV here on Comcast Cable. I watched the series as a young teen in the '60's, especially the product placement of the latest Ford products in the show including the (then) new Mustang.

Couple of questions; in one episode of the fifth and final season, there was mention of the Baxter's in Iraq-did anyone catch that? In another same season episode, Hazel is collecting musical instruments to send to the Baxters "mission school" (ostensibly in the Middle East). If they were in the middle east on business, why the mention of a mission school?

As to why original cast members DeFore and Blake were written out of the show in season 5, the answers are murky. The obvious reason would be that when the show moved to CBS from NBC, the CBS programmers could not come to terms with DeFore and Blake salary demands. Seems shortsighted as the show was a hit show on NBC, keeping the original cast intact might have insured the show went on for a few more seasons. Then again if Hazel was a hit on NBC (Top 10), why would they cancel it? All questions that might have been posed to the show's producers at the time-and did the original producers make the transition to CBS?

Oh, well. back to the show. Glad its' lived on in people's memories and is still available for viewing.

swise said...

That move to the Mideast was the explanation of why Hazel moved to George's brother. The mission school probably was just something the Baxters got interested in following an earthquake that flattened it and communicated that to Hazel who mobilized to get the instruments.

I remember reading that the cast was changed to attract a younger audience and the series canceled because Shirley Booth didn't want to do it any longer. But I don't recall Hazel still attracting the same size audience with Ray Fulmer and Lynn Borden.

Speaking of the fifth season, it is not clear to me, who is talking to whom in the opening credits. Are they talking to the Baxters in the Mideast? Or are they talking to Hazel from a different location?

Rick Brooks said...

It's hard to imagine someone building any network comedy around someone as...advanced in age as Hazel today, unless she conveniently had a side gig as a manager of a K-POP act or had some other excuse to interact with young models!

Rick Brooks said...

By the way, Roku Channel now has seasons 1-3 of Hazel available, free with ad breaks. In my experience, Roku Channel's ads are less obnoxious in quantity than other free streaming video sources.

Roku has a free web version of the channel if you don't have a Roku player, but I can't verify that Hazel is on that version as well. I wouldn't be surprised if seasons 4-5 arrive on Roku in the next couple months. Word of warning: Sometimes Roku gets complete runs of a series, but sometimes it licenses only a few seasons at a time, so when/if 4 and 5 go up, 1-3 may go down!

Doriano Rossi said...

Why do they call the two-part episode Scheherazade? Wiki says: "Scheherazade is a legendary Persian queen who is the storyteller in One Thousand and One Nights.

swise said...

Who knows, but probably a play on Scheherezade and the flying carpet reflecting the "epic" nature of this story

sheliah said...

Hipps I love Hazel they ruined it when they change the cast

Anonymous said...

As of 1/7/2021, the Roku Channel is showing only seasons 1 and 5.

Se7en said...

So , Mr B became a Black Op , moved and left Hazel behind .. Sounds like another Bewitched ..sorta . First it was Dick York ..the bammm they show up without warning with Dick Sargent .. Everybody knows that you never switch Dicks in midstream or it gets very mess ... Great take on this though , thanks !!

swise said...

Bewitched was a different story: Dick York had serious back problems and just couldn't continue in the show. Didn't care much for Dick Sargeant--any thoughts who would have been a better choice?

I started watching the 5h season again and I don't feel it is as bad as made out to be. I think had the series started with Ray Fulmer and Lynn Borden, it might have done well anyway. Shirley Booth was the main attraction and some of the story lines are in Season 5 are pretty good.

One curiosity though. Steve Baxter talks about knowing how to handle Hazel, saying he knows her since he was a kid. Never got the impression that the Baxters went back that far with her. And where exactly do the younger Baxters live? Hazel speeds there in a firetruck in an hour so I guess also suburban PA or NJ.

One interesting note: While Barbara Baxter seems close chums with her neighbor across the street, it seems the only friends had were the eccentric Johnsons. It seems many sitcoms in that era had female stars who had some close female friend.

Anonymous said...

I just like seeing the cars and other things from the 1960's. I will watch ANY season of Hazel and just about anything filmed prior to 1970, especially if it is in color.

It is interesting that real-life people like Don Defore and Shirley Boothe lived through the pandemic of 1918. This makes me appreciate the time capsule that film provides us.

Earline Fan said...

The episode when Gus comes back, he is supposed to be in Philadelphia.

There is many clues as to their location being in or near Philadelphia. (IMHO).

I personally liked the 1957 Ford Fairlane Sunliner on this episode!

RetroTV Fan said...

Antenna TV will be going into season 5 tomorrow. I am not a fan of this season either. I see the last episode of season 4 airs today; the one where John Banner (Sergeant Hans Schultz), is a baker.

Anonymous said...

I loved the fact that the Baxter's lived next door to the Stephens'. Every time there is a drive by scene, I loved watching and wishing Samantha Stephens would just pop out and say hi.
Also, George Baxter's partner, Harry Knowles moved into the Stephens' home.

swise said...

Even cooler is if they had a tie-in episode involving Hazel and Samantha and her mother!

xtaticinde said...

I had seen a few episodes in reruns when I was a kid. I started buying Hazel DVD as they were being released. I was in absolute shock when I received season 5 without Mr. Baxter and Missy. I was pissed and this is 50 years after it's been off the air. I watched the season but I don't know what they were thinking. A fan of the series and all of the character actors on the show.

Otto Preminger said...

The first four seasons of "Hazel" are remarkably entertaining. Shirley Booth did a star turn for years in the titular role. Mr. B and wife (Don DeFore and Whitney Blake) were sorely missed during season five. Network executives decided it was "jump the shark" time. So they ditched half the cast, hired four unknown actors, added a fairly untalented little girl to play an pointless daughter role, and then Miss Booth got sick. William D. Russell directed many episodes but not as many episodes as he did "Dennis the Menace."

judy said...

Hi from five years in the future! 😀 Thank you for this excellent blog and thank you for the nice compliment 😊

swise said...

There have been a number of well-known performers who have appeared in Hazel. Among them are
Norma Varden as Mrs. Johnson, who play Frau Schmidt in the Sound of Music Movie
Ellen Corby of Grandma Walton Fame
Harvey Korman as a playwright for George's sister's charity production
Ann Pearce of Bewitched's Mrs Kravitz
Claude Akins as an artist.

Can you name others?

jackstraw said...

It is heartening to belatedly find this site and see that other Hazel fans exist. Having been born just as the show was ending and just discovering it the past few years on Antenna TV, it is very much a fresh and current source of enjoyment when home from work and able to catch it. Surprisingly, it was never included among the countless mid-60s reruns I grew up with as a child of the 70s so had remained undiscovered.
On the subject of Antenna TV, it is a shame they have become a repository for rubbish 80s shows for a large portion of their schedule, particularly on weekends, when there are so many lesser seen vintage shows that could be on. MeTV does better despite lapses in judgement like "Happy Days"(post-1st season).
Between those 2 digital stations and Comet, there is a need for another channel that would focus on the likes of: Nanny and the Professor, Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Combat, Thriller, Car 54, Johnny Socko....
A pipe-dream channel (more likely a streaming app) would feature all of the ABC Movies of the Week from the early 70s.

Peace Gold said...

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Unknown said...

Hazel Season 5 is playing now on FETV on Dish. I had to Google why was the Baxter characters different & a different house as well. I don't like the new Baxters. CBS messed up BIG time getting rid of the original actors. Just my thoughts on it.

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