Thursday, April 7, 2011

This Week in DVD

It's a slow DVD week, perhaps an ideal time to catch up on your "Melrose Place" on Netflix Instant Watching.

Little Fockers: When "Meet the Fockers" came out, you could find people who admitted to finding it amusing. I don't think anyone wants to admit to seeing this one, let alone enjoying it. I know you're out there, though. You paid money for this. And you're to blame when Fockers: Cats vs. Dogs comes out in 2013.

Tron: Legacy: I love how even the cheesiest of movies can make themselves seem classier by adding "Legacy" to the title. Maybe we'll see "Highlander: Legacy" someday (Actually, maybe we already have and I missed it).

The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader: The series chugs along, and it must be making money for someone, but does anyone really love these movies? I myself have little to say about this except that "Dawn Treader" sounds like a pretty good adult film star name, and given the type of this movie this is, that would be a tasteless comment, so I won't say it. See how disciplined I am? Did I mention that it's a slow DVD week?

I Love You, Phillip Morris: Who cares about Jim Carrey playing Ewen McGregor's lover? The only thing that interests me about this is the thought of Carrey donning a bellhop costume and shrieking, "Call for Phillip Morrrrrr-riiiiiiiissss!"

Pennsylvania's Greatest Sports Heroes: Despite my knocking more than my share of whiffle balls off the neighbor's garage door, despite reaching paydirt (and grass stains) many times in spirited games of what we called "Goal Line Defense," despite my courageous efforts as both aggressor and victim in countless contests of Smear the, uh, Guy with the Ball....I am NOT one of the subjects of this video. It's like my athletic childhood never was. Clearly the credibility of this video is suspect.

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