Sunday, December 28, 2008

Classic TV Christmas Festival Part 7: Good Times

OK, "Good Times" may not be some people's idea of a "classic," but like "What's Happening!!" it was a big part of my misspent youth. Watching it now, I have to recalibrate myself to take its brand of comedy. It's one of those shows where every single character at almost every single entrance has to deliver the same type of sassy remark. It's funny if you can take it in stride, but grating in large doses...and a lot less tolerable once John Amos left.

The show had several Christmas-themed episodes, but recently I watched "Sometimes There's No Bottom in the Bottle."

Now, what the show wants you to focus on is the Evans family cousin Naomi's drinking problem. The 16-year-old is sequestering herself in the bathroom and hitting the liquor early and often, and it takes a long time for anyone besides Thelma to notice what's going on, and even she kind of stumbles on it.

You expect this to be a Very Special Episode, but there isn't much time for Very Special Messages, what with the ongoing Christmas season celebrations in the household. So while Naomi's unintentionally hilarious drunk scenes are amusing, this episode stands out today for 3 reasons:

1) Thelma sure is a fox in those old "Good Times" episodes, isn't she?

2) As the adults in the house (Yes, I guess I can call Wilona an adult) set a good example by celebrating James' Christmas bonus with a round of booze, they discover someone's replaced the good stuff with water. What's great about this scene is that while an irritated James wonders who would do such a thing, Florida is more concerned with something else: "Who put a glass back in the cupboard without washing it?" she asks, astonished. Oh, it may be cause for concern that one of the kids is sneaking alcohol, but first things first--who isn't busing their dishes?

3) Naomi's domination of the single bathroom in the apartment forces a frantic Michael to wait outside when he really "has to go." This scene gives the great Ralph Carter a chance to display his genius for physical comedy.

OK, I admit I'm only including that last item because I want to see what the Ralph Carter statement looks like in print.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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Thanks for help.