Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What's so special about YOU, Franklin?

My daughter and I have watched a few episodes of "Franklin," a cartoon that Nickelodeon airs early weekday mornings. The title character is a turtle who lives with his loving parents and caring friends in a wonderful critter community. This charming show offers gentle humor and solid moral lessons.

And it's driving me crazy.

Here's the beef I have with "Franklin," and it has nothing to do with a cow, as that's one of the few animals I've yet to see on the show. If there were a cow, though, it would surely be known only as "Cow." Yep, "Cow," not Clarabelle, not Bessie, not even Cowabunga C. Cowher. Just Cow.

I know this because every single animal on the show is known as Beaver, Bear, or what have you. Oh, no, wait, there is one little guy that gets a proper moniker: Franklin.

Yep, the titular turtle is good enough to get an actual name, but not any of his friends. Leaving aside the fact that simple tasks like mail delivery must be complicated as hell in the Franklinverse...

"Excuse me, Stork, this letter is for Duck. I'm Duck."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Duck. I'll take it back and give it to Duck. Here's today's mail."
"Oh, thank y--ah, sorry, Stork, this magazine is actually for Duck."
"My apologies."
"No problem. Hey, who was that delivering the mail on Friday?"
"Oh, that was my substitute--Stork."
"Oh, OK. Thanks, Stork."
"Bye, Duck. I mean, Duck." just doesn't seem right that Franklin pulls a star trip and gets a name--a name plastered all over the show and in the title, mind you--while his colleagues settle for anonymous generic status.

I ask, then, Franklin, what makes YOU so special?

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