Wednesday, August 30, 2017

ClassicFlix (home of TV Time) is back!

Public service announcement: ClassicFlix, which is now earning raves for its work as a label in addition to its retail bidness, has launched its new website, and the reviews and columns are now available for everyone again.

This includes TV Time, written each month by your ever-lovin' blue-eyed blogger boy. The most recent edition, Before They Were Legends, looks at early TV spots from the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Paul Newman.

Also accessible on the main page as I write this is my examination of classic TV doctors. Which one would I choose to be my personal doc?

Dig a little deeper in the archives, and you will find my look at wrestling-themed episodes, including Bonanza and Abbott and Costello.

And Scooby, Penelope Pitstop, and more go to the circus as I look at cartoons that go to the big top.

It isn't just shameless self-promotion, though, because there are all kinds of interesting pieces up right now, plus much more in the archives. Also, check out what is coming out on DVD and Blu-Ray from them while you check out TV Time. Tell 'em Cultureshark sent ya. Don't you dare miss it!

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