Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Week in DVD

Today, I turn this column over to the people once again, and by "the people," I mean all sorts of different sources. Here are a variety of perspectives--not just mine for a change--on an assortment of this week's notable DVD releases:

The Watchmen:
"I wanted to see it, but your mom and I didn't get to it."
--My dad. We both loved the comic.

The Great Buck Howard:
"I have a his THIRTIES? The hell?"
--Tom Hanks every 5 minutes or so during his experience on this film with son Colin.

Pushing Daisies Season 2:
"This had TWO seasons? The hell?"
--Me when compiling this post.

"It’s nothing like the cartoonish pabulum foisted onto the public in ravishing junk like The Incredibles and Ratatouille or just plain junk like Cars, Finding Nemo, Ice Age and the essentially forgettable Wall-E."
--Armond White, New York Press

The Lucy Show Season 1:
"Lucille Ball was a headstrong actress.When she was doing "I Love Lucy" she always yielded to Desi Arnaz because of her love for him and her respect for his management of the show.When she did "Lucy Show" everything changed: she was divorced, her voice had changed because of doing the Broadway show "Wildcat" (it wrecked her vocal chords), she got Desilu Studios as part of the divorce settlement and she became a big time b!tch. "
--from the opening of a comment from nycruise-1 on IMDB.

Route 66 Complete Season 3/Route 66 Season 3 Volume 1:
--Angry customer returning his set at my local Best Buy after discovering, oops, the discs aren't playable.


Unknown said...

Quoting Armond White's awful Coraline review that insults other films and doesn't even review the (wonderful) film will *not* encourage others to buy the film (which they should!) Coraline is fantastic, but a step below the *far* from forgettable (winner of several best picture awards and many others) WALL-E

Rick Brooks said...

With all due respect, I'm not trying to encourage anyone to buy the movie...but I believe you that it ruled. I wanted to see it myself.

My dad loved Coraline, but if I quoted him twice, he might get a big head. I don't want him to think he's Armond White or something.