Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My wife reads 'People" so you don't have to: Internet sensation?

I hesitate to poke fun at the August 10 issue of "People because it actually features a cover story that interests me: A "Where Are They Now" piece on the cast of "Saved by the Bell." Yes, I would have typed that in 2-point-size font if I knew how to, but let's face it, when the choice is between "Bell" and Entertainment Weekly's "Top Vampires of the Last 15 Yea--Uh, ALL TIME!" list, well, I had a clear preference that week. Much as I rip "EW," it's rare that its cover story is less compelling than that of its sister rag.

But in the upper corner of that intriguing cover is a blurb about something far less interesting: "WEDDING DANCE! THE COUPLE BEHIND THE VIDEO HIT!"

OK, the video received "over 9 million hits" according to the brief article inside. But is this worthy of a cover mention? I don't know which is more disheartening: simply that "People" put it on the cover or that "People" thought it would sell copies of the issue.

Pardon me for going all grumpy old man here, but have we run out of faux-reality-show "celebs" now so that we have to resort to hyping "stars" of home movies that are uploaded to the Internet? Nothing against the couple in the clip, but I'm perfectly capable of enjoying (or ignoring) their wedding video without reading their backstory.

This is only gonna get worse. In a few years we're gonna be sitting around wondering, "Remember when our Internet stars were really STARS? They just don't make them like the cat playing the piano anymore."

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